Jake Caprini

Hometown: Burlingame, California
Major and Minor: Communication major and Italian Studies minor
Fun Fact: I love to watch movies and read in my free time.
Bio: Ciao! Hello! My name is Jake Caprini and I’m a third year majoring in Communication and minoring in Italian Studies. I’ve lived in the Bay Area my whole life and was raised by my mom and dad who are first and second-generation Italian-Americans. I took Italian in middle school and high school then decided I wanted to further advance my speaking in Italian at SCU. Beyond being a MODLL Student Ambassador, I’m also a Peer Educator for Italian, a LEAD Scholar, and a C.I.A.O. (Cultural Italian-American Club) member. Forza CIAO! Forza Broncos!
Evelyn Casey

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
Major: Accounting
Fun Fact: I have a koi pond in my backyard!
Bio: 你好! My name is Evelyn Casey and I’m currently a sophomore accounting major. I want to minor in International Business or Retail Studies! Honestly, I originally chose to go to college at SCU to come to California and learn how to surf. I still haven’t learned how to surf, but have loved my time here, and the weather of course! All the students, teachers, and staff are so friendly and welcoming at SCU! I was initially interested in learning Mandarin Chinese in high school so I took the class for all four years. I am happy to now begin to continue in my studies since I still find the language and culture so interesting. It definitely works a different part of my brain than other classes! Other activities I’m involved in on campus include being a club field hockey team member, secretary of CHAARG, and I help with alumni events through my job at the Event Planning Office at SCU. I would love to someday visit Singapore and I hope to eventually own my own clothing boutique!

Jackson Druker
Hometown: Palo Alto, California
Major and Minors: Economics major, Japanese and International Business minors
Fun Fact: I have watched well over 3,000 hours of anime and I bake my own sourdough.
Bio: はじめまして!I’m Jackson Druker, a Bay Area native. During my freshman year, I played soccer for Emerson College in Boston but transferred back home to the bay for my sophomore year. I'm currently a third-year and will be at SCU for a whole fifth year. I started taking Japanese to fill my language requirements, but quickly found a great passion for it. Now I’m minoring in it, planning to study abroad in Tokyo in Spring 2024. I want to be a peer educator, and couldn’t be more excited to go to class every day. Apart from being an Ambassador, I like to host dinner parties, bake, bbq with my Traeger, play Scrabble, and watch anime. I hope to work in business between America and Japan. よろしくおねがいします!

Isabela Erfort
Hometown: Arlington Heights, Illinois
Majors: Undeclared Business and French double major
Fun Fact: I love animals of all kinds! At home, I have four cats, six frogs, and a tarantula!
Bio: Bonjour! Hello everyone! I am a current second-year (class of 2026) double majoring in business and French. I came to SCU with the hopes of minoring in French, but once I started taking classes here, it quickly became a double major! In addition to being a student ambassador, I am involved in French Club and Surf Club, and I have worked as an Orientation Leader and as a student assistant in the Communication Department! In my free time, I love reading, listening to music, and playing video games. After graduation, I hope to set aside some time to travel and learn more about different cultures across the world!
Genevieve Frome

Hometown: Healdsburg, California
Majors and Minor: Japanese Studies and Asian Studies
Fun Facts: My dad and I will graduate from SCU undergrad exactly 40 years apart from each other!
Bio: こんにちは!My name is Genevieve Frome, and I am a senior majoring in Communication. When I transferred to Santa Clara I initially wasn’t keen on taking a language course. However, I was fascinated by the opportunity to study Japanese, as visiting Japan had always been at the top of my bucket list. Now, I’m in my third year of Japanese classes, having just returned from a semester abroad in Tokyo. While it’s often challenging, I’ve never regretted taking on this journey. My interest in Japanese culture deepened after taking a fascinating Japanese art history course, which inspired me to pursue a minor in Asian Studies as well. Beyond being a MODLL Student Ambassador, on campus, I’m also president of the field hockey club. In my free time, I enjoy listening to podcasts while cooking, taking walks with my dog Skye, and watching romantic comedies. I highly encourage students to try out new languages because you might end up really loving it! どうぞよろしく :)

Sofia Perrone
Hometown: Tarrytown, New York
Majors and Minor: Environmental Studies and Italian double major and Sustainability minor
Fun Facts: I have dual citizenship - I have a US passport and an Italian passport!
Bio: Buongiorno, hola, hello! My name is Sofia Perrone and I am a sophomore here at SCU. I have lived in the suburbs of New York City my whole life with my dad who was born and raised Italian, and my mother who was raised Colombian. Because of that, I am trilingual and speak English, Spanish, and Italian! I took Spanish in high school and decided I wanted to perfect my reading and writing in Italian at SCU - I am so glad that I did because I have met a great group of professors and students! Aside from being a MODLL student ambassador, I’m also a peer educator for Italian, Embrace Facilitator, KSCU radio DJ, Underclassmen representative for Queer & Qualified, and the development manager for SCU’s chapter of Sprout Up. One of my favorite things about SCU is how easy it is to get involved and meet new people! I chose to come here because of our small class sizes, Alumni network, and our wonderful location in the Bay Area. After graduation, I hope my plans bring me back to Europe to pursue a career in environmental studies/sustainability. I have nothing but good things to say about the Italian department and am so happy to be able to help!
Simone Schneekloth
Hometown: Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Major and Minor: Biology major and Spanish minor
Bio: Hola! My name is Simone Schneekloth and I am a first year majoring in Biology with a minor in Spanish. I chose Santa Clara University because of its focus on educating the whole person and really feeling a sense of community. I was also attracted to the great pre-health academics and the new Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation. It is also gorgeous! Besides being a Student Ambassador, I am also in CHAARG, Biology Club, VAW Global, and Ski Club. I have achieved a Global Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish and with my Spanish fluency I would like to continue to use it in my future plans in pre-health. Go Broncos!

Emily Takamiya
Hometown: Mililani, Hawaii
Major and Minor: Accounting major and International Business minor
Fun Fact: I love to crochet and draw in my free time.
Bio: 皆さん、こんにちは!I’m Emily Takamiya, a second-year accounting major and international business minor. I’m definitely more on the creative side and have experience in dance, playing both piano and violin, and drawing. I chose to attend SCU because of the diverse community and because of the university’s commitment to giving back to the community. I also love meeting new people and gaining new perspectives! I think that learning about different cultures and languages helps us to connect and understand others, so I’m excited to promote MODLL!