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Department ofMusic

Facilities & Equipment

The music building is open daily from 7:00 AM until 11:00 PM during the academic year.  Hours are reduced during holidays, recesses, and summer.

Students are asked to report to the Music Office any damage or repair needs of the building, including practice rooms, classrooms, pianos, and other instruments.

Students using the facilities are asked to exercise good judgment in the care of rooms and instruments.  For example, beverages should never be taken into practice rooms, and instrument cases should never be placed on pianos.

Food and drinks are not permitted in the Recital Hall or the Electronic Music Studios at any time. Smoking is not permitted in the building.

Practice rooms

Practice rooms are located on the second floor of the music building, and are only accessible with an authorized ACCESS card. Only SCU students enrolled in applied music instruction, music ensembles, and music courses are coded to use the practice rooms. Students must see the office manager in the music office to gain access to practice rooms. They will be asked to give their name, access card number, and reason for requesting access. It is the responsibility of the student to sign up for access, not the instructor.

Booking practice rooms

During the first week of each quarter, the applied music instruction teachers submit their quarter's teaching schedule. These times become a permanent part of the quarter's schedule for that room, but may also be modified by the instructor during the course of the quarter.

A weekly calendar is posted outside each practice room on Monday mornings, showing the lesson schedule for that week. Any time not pre-scheduled is available for student use. You may reserve the space by writing your name and the time requested directly on the calendar. The space is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

Recital Hall and Rehearsal Hall

The Recital Hall and Rehearsal Hall can be scheduled for rehearsal of approved ensembles and individual music students. Evening and weekend Recital Hall and Rehearsal Hall arrangements are made with the SCU Presents office. Arrangements for all other rooms and for the Recital Hall for time slots before 6:00 PM can be made through the music office. After any class, performance, or rehearsal (applied music or ensemble), the room must be restored to its original configuration:

Recital Hall - piano to side of stage, whiteboard, and podium to back of the stage, etc.
Rehearsal Hall - music stands replaced on racks, chairs stacked against the mirrored wall, instruments put away, etc.

NOTE: Please DO NOT place piano stools on top of the piano under any circumstances!

Classroom 119

Classroom MDF 119 can be scheduled for approved ensembles and individual music students. All reservations can be made through the music office. Priority for this room ALWAYS goes to larger groups, rather than individual students. After any class or rehearsal (applied music or ensemble), the room must be restored to its original configuration: piano in front of the classroom, desks restored in five rows of 6 desks, chalkboards erased.

Electronic Music Classroom (MDF 231) and Lab (MDF 237)

The Electronic Music Classroom and the Electronic Music Lab are available to students currently taking any one of the electronic music classes from our curriculum. Students enrolled in applied music composition lessons may use the equipment only with permission of the appropriate faculty. Please go to the music office for more information.


Lockers on the second floor of the music building are available to music majors and minors and are assigned by the Music Department Office.

A student wishing to have access to a locker must supply the locker number they want and their lock combination to the Music Office. Any student who does not supply their combination is likely to have their items removed from the locker after proper notification.

Lockers are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.  Students wishing to keep their locker over the summer and into the following academic year must visit the Music Office at the end of the spring quarter to make arrangements.  

Graduating seniors are expected to clear their lockers of all items by the end of the academic school year to make room for new students.

Oversize instrument storage

If a student requires extra storage room due to the size of their instrument, they may contact the music office to gain access to the back storeroom or the instrument storage lockers in the Rehearsal Hall. The student must be enrolled in applied music instruction or an ensemble to obtain permission to use the room.  Lockers must be emptied at the end of the academic year, or when the student is no longer enrolled in Applied Music Instruction or an Ensemble. Locks will be cut from lockers that have not been properly reserved. It is imperative that you observe the schedule of classes that is posted outside the Rehearsal Hall, and plan to access your locker during free time. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU PERMITTED TO INTERRUPT A CLASS IN PROGRESS TO RETRIEVE ITEMS FROM YOUR LOCKER. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Student mailboxes

All music majors and minors have a department mailbox, located on the second floor of the Music and Dance Building near Practice Room 213. Students are reminded to check them frequently to stay informed of department activities and events. Any items left in a graduating senior's box at the end of the academic school year will be removed to make room for new students.

Instructor mailboxes

All staff/faculty have a department mailbox. For academic faculty and music department staff, these are located in the music office. For applied faculty (applied music instructors), these mailboxes are located on the second floor, between Practice Room 213 and the double doors.