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Department ofPhilosophy

Christopher B. Kulp

Christopher B. Kulp


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 1986

Christopher B. Kulp is the author of The End of Epistemology (1992), and the editor of Realism/Antirealism and Epistemology (1997). His current research centers on metaethics and moral epistemology, with a special emphasis on moral intuitionism and moral metaphysics. His recent book, Knowing Moral Truth: A Theory of Metaethics and Moral Knowledge (2017), is the first in a projected quadrilogy on metaethics and moral epistemology. It argues that (i) there are moral truths and moral facts independent of what any society or any individual judges to be the case; and (ii) we have genuine knowledge of many of them. His latest book, Metaphysics of Morality (2019) is an inquiry into the metaphysical foundations of morality, and develops a realist theory of moral truth, moral facts, and moral properties. He has written, and is currently revising in preparation for submission to prospective presses for review for publication, another book—the third in the projected quadrilogy—tentatively entitled, Varieties of Moral Knowledge. He has also begun writing the fourth book in the series, tentatively entitled Moral Realism: A Metaphysical and Epistemological Defense. He will chair the Philosophy Department for the 2023-2024 academic year, and consequently will teach fewer courses than usual. During fall quarter, 2023 he will teach PHIL 34: Ethics and Adulthood; in winter quarter, 2024 he will teach PHIL 25: Ethics in Society; and in spring quarter he will teach an upper-division course in his current area of research and publication, PHIL 128: Metaethics.