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Department ofPsychology


Business Consulting with Timothy Urdan

In many business environments, the strategy for enhancing employee motivation boils down to a single idea: incentives. Although incentives like salary, bonuses, rewards, and recognition are certainly an important part of employee motivation, they are only one part, and they often have an unexpected effect on motivation. Simply put, incentives can actually decrease motivation if they are the wrong kind or used in the wrong way.

I offer a range of consulting services to help business leaders think about motivation in a more comprehensive way. From 1-hour consultations designed to inform you about basic principles of motivation to multi-day assessments of the motivational climate of your business, I can help you think about and develop more effective strategies for motivation your employees.

Here is a sampling of the services I offer:

  • Brief consultations with management to discuss current motivational practices in the business and how they are aligned with best practices.
  • Half-day workshops for managers and/or employees to analyze motivational problems and develop strategies for correcting them.
  • Assessments of the motivational climate in the workplace including collecting information from employees and supervisors and producing a detailed report with descriptions of problem areas and strategies for improving them.
  • Providing informational resources so management can development their own system for collecting information about the motivational climate in their company and find strategies for enhancing that climate.

The services I provide are guided by sound scientific research, not intuition, personal preferences, and convention.

Contact me via email ( or telephone (408-554-4495) for a free consultation.