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Department ofReligious Studies

Diana Gibson

Diana Gibson


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

The Rev. Dr. Diana Gibson is an ordained Presbyterian minister who served 25 years as parish pastor before shifting her career to the awesome task of teaching. She received her Doctorate of Ministry at Columbia Theological Seminary where she studied with biblical theologian Walter Brueggemann. The topic of her doctoral work was "Nurturing Disciplines for Revolutionary Christians." Her areas of study and passion include liberation theology, biblical theology, feminist theology, justice and peace studies, and human rights.


RSOC 188  Religion and Violence
SCTR 162  Violence and Nonviolence in Scripture
SCTR 39/WGST 47  Biblical Women and Power
SCTR 128 Human Suffering and Hope
TESP 4  The Christian Tradition
TESP 45  Christian Ethics
TESP 46 Faith, Justice & Poverty
TESP 131/WGST 149  Feminist Theologies
TESP 65  U.S. Hispanic Theology