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Law and Advocacy Publications

  • Law and Advocacy Publications

  • Law, Social, and Environmental Inequities Issues

    Zsea Bowmani is working at the intersections of the environment, race, gender, sexual orientation, human rights, and many other intertwined dynamics that affect social and environmental inequities.

    Bowmani, Z. Now is the time for Black Queer Feminist Ecology (in press). Tulane Journal of Law & Sexuality 30.

    Prado, C., Bowmani, Z., Raphael, C., & Matsuoka, M. (in press).  Law, policy, regulation, and public   participation. In C. Raphael & M. Matsuoka (Eds.), Community-engaged research for environmental justice. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press - Luminos.

    Bowmani, Z. & Cukor, E. (in press). LGBTQIA+ discrimination. In M.T. Rossein (Ed.), Employment Discrimination Law and Litigation, 3rd ed. Toronto, Canada: Thomson Reuters West.

  • Example Student Projects

    Iris Stewart-Frey’s students have partnered with the International Campaign for Responsible Technology to map global electronics supply chains and health problems.

  • Environmental Impacts of Electronics Company Supply Chains

    Student authors: Ayesha Ahmed, Clint May, Jean-Baptiste Tooley 

    Community partner: International Campaign for Responsible Technology

    Faculty supervisor: Iris Stewart-Frey

    Abstract: Through a collaboration with the International Campaign for Responsible Technology (ICRT), a student capstone team traced the supply chains of major technology manufacturing companies, specifically Apple and Dell. The objectives of this project were to map the locations of specific factories and to correlate manufacturer locations against air and water pollution affecting local communities, in light of companies’ goals identified from Corporate Sustainability Reports (CSRs). We found that monitoring and reporting of soil and air pollution due to electronics manufacturing is insufficient in the countries where a majority of this activity takes place, and thus communities are not well informed about the risks associated with production. Geospatial analysis of supply chains as well as studying CSR reporting allows for examination of links between electronics manufacturing and environmental impact.  Improved corporate transparency could encourage greater adherence to environmental goals and standardized CSR reporting metrics would allow for better comparison on overall environmental quality goals for the benefit of the communities supplying the global electronics market.

  • Health Impacts and Socio-Economic Factors Associated with Electronics Supply Chains

    Student authors: Katie Diggs, Louis Grace, James Middleton, Jack Williams 

    Community partner: International Campaign for Responsible Technology

    Faculty supervisor: Iris Stewart-Frey

    Abstract: This project was conducted as a capstone project under the mentorship of the International Campaign for Responsible Technology. Electronic companies are seeking maximum flexibility in their supply chains in order to stay competitive, and as a result, rarely disclose specifics on their supply chain nor do they take responsibility for any impacts on worker or environmental health. Given that unionization has yet to be widely established in the industry, there currently exist few means for worker rights and health issues to be addressed.  The goal of this project was to map supply chains and negative health outcomes to increase transparency in electronic companies’ supply chains. This project will provide grounds for the ICRT and future researchers to promote social change associated with electronic supply chains.

  • The Ethics of Geoengineering

    Student authors: James Wang 

    Faculty supervisor: Iris Stewart-Frey

    Abstract: As global CO2 levels have increased past 400 ppm, CDR methods to mitigate, or at least dampen, the impact of human-induced climate change are considered worldwide. While many technical and political issues regarding CDR remain to be resolved, the ethical questions regarding who bears the risks, responsibilities, and impacts of this technology have yet to be widely discussed. Comparison of different analytical tools indicate that loss of ecosystem and vegetated cover correlate to higher environmental vulnerability index scores for many developing countries in Africa and Asia, even though the contribution to carbon dioxide rises in the atmosphere by these countries has been comparatively limited.

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