Level I honors students must complete THREE electives.
Level II honors students must complete FOUR electives.
UHP Electives:
- Any Honors elective course (denoted in Bulletin/Course Avail with an H).
- One contract course: (exceptions can be made to permit 2 for Level II students, see Director). Contract courses must be done in upper division courses.
- One extra language course above and beyond what is required by your major. Cannot repeat credit you did/would receive from AP.
- One extra religion course if all religion requirements are satisfied.
- Participation in the Honors Advisory Council (½ credit per year, except for president who earns one full credit).
There are a number of classes across the University that count even if not denoted with H:
- Any upper division (5-unit) Philosophy class (can only use ONE for credit)
- Any History senior seminar (of which there are 2 annually)
- Any Political Science senior seminar
- Leavey Scholars courses (can only use ONE for credit)
- UGST 101 (Grants and Fellowships) ½ credit
Study abroad and off-campus experiences including:
- SCU affiliated study abroad (1 credit)
- Immersion trips (Ignatian center sponsored) ½ credit each, you can do 2
- Summer programs through SCU- if 6 weeks or longer, 1 credit, if under 6 weeks, ½ credit
- Global Social Benefit Fellowship ( includes 2 quarters of course work) = 1 credit
- Global Fellows = ½ credit
- Global Medical Brigades ½ credit
- Jean Donovan Fellowship; if over 6 weeks, 1 credit, if under, ½ credit
- Washington DC Poli Sci term
- ELSJ 198 Applied Healthcare Ethics Internship (year-long) = 1 credit
On-Campus Experiences include:
- Center for the Arts and Humanities (CAH Fellows Program) = 1 credit
- SCU Healthcare Ethics Internship = 1 credit
Johnson Scholars Program (JSP):
- Participate in the Johnson Scholars Program all 4 years = ½ credit
- Chair a committee in JSP for 3 quarters = ½ credit
Cumulative Participation in UHP Conversations (put on by the Honors Advisory Council):
- Attend 3 UHP Conversations = ½ credit
- Attend 6 UHP Conversations = 1 credit - (you can earn no more than 1 elective credit this way)
If you have other elective ideas, contact the Honors Program Director.