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William O'Neill


William O'Neill, S.J., Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Social Ethics

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Jesuit School of Theology, Floor , 303
  • Email
  • (510) 549-5036

William O’Neill, S.J. is a member of the Society of Jesus and associate professor of social ethics at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, and a visiting professor at the Jesuit School of Theology, “Hekima” in Nairobi. He received his doctorate from Yale in 1988. His writing include The Ethics of Our Climate: Hermeneutics and Ethical Theory and book chapters and journal articles addressing questions of human rights, social reconciliation, restorative justice, refugee and immigration policy, and the Church and public reason. He has worked with refugees in Tanzania and Malawi and done research on human rights in South Africa and Rwanda. He likewise serves as Catholic Chaplain at the Federal Woman’s Prison in Dublin CA and is a member of the Anglican/Roman Catholic Dialogue. Recent publications include: “Ethics of Migration in the U.S.” in Living with(out) Borders; “’The Bond of Peace’: A Hermeneutical Rapprochement?” in Journal of Ecumenical Studies; “’First be Reconciled’” (Mt. 5:24): Restorative Justice and Deliberative Democracy” in Democracy, Culture, Catholicism; “The Wisdom of Serpents: Conscience, Power, and Politics in the Abortion Controversy” in Conscience & Catholicism and “Souvenir du Mal et Reconciliation Sociale” chapter in volume dedicated to Genocide in Rwanda and the Reconstruction of Knowledge: Récit du Génocide, Traversée de la Mémoire, La Pensee et les Hommes.