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Multicultural Learning Grants

  • Multicultural Learning Grants

    The Multicultural Learning Grants are supported by the Office for Multicultural Learning and the Erkman Endowment Fund.  These grants focus on collaborative efforts to enhance multicultural learning and education at SCU and on SCU campus.

    For STUDENTS, the goal of the funding is to support students and student organizations in creating programs and projects designed in collaboration with more than one other cultural organization, designed to outreach to a diverse audience, and/or designed with a focus on multicultural education. For students, these grants are capped at $500Apply here

    For FACULTY and STAFF working with students and student organizations, the financial resources generated from this fund should be directed to academic discourse and public conversation that specifically, intentionally, and equally addresses the understanding and inclusion of those most often marginalized by their ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and/or physical and mental abilities. These grants are recommended for student organizations and University departments applying for up to $1,000 or moreApply here.

    Learning Objectives

    Please indicate (if any) learning objectives of this event, project or program below.

    • Create an inclusive community reflective of Jesuit beliefs and Christian scriptural values that non-judgmentally validate the importance of each individual.
    • Engage in academic discourse and public conversation about those most often marginalized by their ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and/or physical and mental abilities.
    • Understand the complexity and importance of including those most often marginalized by their ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and/or physical and mental abilities.
    • Understand the intersectionality of ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and/or physical and mental abilities.
    • Other:


    The event, project or program  

    • NEED TO TAKE PLACE BY MAY 30TH THE LATEST with the condition of all receipts and report turning in by June 1st the latest;
    • and must fulfill at least one of the following Learning Objectives to be considered for funding.  Grant amounts are awarded on a progressive basis such that:
    • in order to receive up to $300, the event, project or program must "Build Awareness";
    • in order to receive up to $400 the event, project or program must "Build Awareness" AND "Provide a Critical Lens";
    • in order to receive up to $500 the event, project or program must "Build Awareness" AND "Provide a Critical Lens" AND "Ignite Action".

    1) Build Awareness (funded up to $300)

    This event, project or program will expose participants to cultures, histories, and traditions different from the dominant American culture.  This program will also break stereotypes that may be associated with that culture.

    2) Provide a Critical Lens (funded up to $400)

    This event, project or program will help participants gain knowledge about institutional systems of privilege and oppression, and how it plays out in our daily lives or on an individual level.

    3) Ignite Action (funded up to $500)

    This event, project or program will encourage participants to take action against injustice and help participants build the skills they need to combat oppression.


    4) Collaboration (additional $100)

    If your event, project or program is a collaboration between 2 or more student organizations, your grant may receive an additional $100 in funding.


    • Please include how this event or program meets the purpose of the fund described above.
    • Event/Project Evaluation: Please describe your plans for evaluation. How will you know if the purpose of your event or program has been achieved?
    • Event/Project Budget: Please include a summary of all projected costs.


    Requested Amount: ______________________


    Contact Name: __________________________


    Contact email: ___________________________


    Contact Phone number: ____________________


    Department(s): ___________________________