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Online Course Evaluations

Using an online survey, Santa Clara University Course Evaluations are conducted at the end of each quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer sessions).

Faculty members receive a report for each class they teach, and a copy is sent to the dean's office. Reports are available to the university community. More information about the student evaluation of teaching (SET) instrument can be found on the Office of the Provost and EVP site.


YES, the survey is completely anonymous and your responses cannot be traced back to you.

No, the system does not allow you to revise your evaluation.

YES, if you fail to submit a survey for any of the courses you are enrolled in, the system will place a 'Hold on Grade' for one week. Your grades will be released one week later.

Course evaluations are due the Sunday prior to the start of Finals week. (Note: There are exceptions for those classes that end earlier in the quarter).

The course evaluation system is configured to send reminders to students every 2 days. Once the evaluation is submitted you will not receive further reminder notices.

The course evaluation reports are sent directly to the instructor's SCU Gmail account the week after the grades are due deadline. They are also available online at

Course evaluations are sent to students on the Friday night prior to the week before final exams (commonly referred to as "dead week").

The students have approximately 9 days to respond to the survey. They are due by midnight on the Sunday prior to the Monday of finals week.

There are two common possibilities.

  1. A department specifically flagged a class not to be surveyed.
  2. Course enrollment was too low. Usually, a minimum number of students (6 or more) must be enrolled before an evaluation will be delivered. This helps maintain student anonymity.

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