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Department ofClassics

Faculty and Staff

The faculty of the Department of Classics are dedicated to undergraduate teaching—there are no graduate programs in Classics at Santa Clara University. Our faculty have achieved college, university, state, and national recognition for their commitment to teaching. The department includes five winners of the University Brutocao Award (two for curriculum development, three for teaching), one recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa Northern California Association Excellence in Teaching Award, three Graves Award Winners (teaching excellence in the humanities), a recipient of the Logothetti Award for Excellence in Teaching (from the College of Arts and Sciences), one winner of the Faculty Senate Professor Award, one winner of the Bayma Scholarship Award (from the College of Arts and Sciences), and two winners of the American Philological Association Award for Excellence in Teaching (given annually by the national association of classicists).

Classics faculty are also engaged in research in wide variety of fields. Click here to read recent publications, go to individual faculty CVs for areas of scholarly interest and complete listings of publications.

Department Chair

  • Associate Professor

    Turkeltaub teaches all levels of Greek and Latin language, literature, and composition classes, and has taught various courses in translation on classical comedy, tragedy, mythology, comparative literature, and Greek civilization.

Academic Department Manager


Emeriti Faculty

William S. Greenwalt (1982)

Professor of Classics and History, Emeritus

B.A., 1975, M.A., 1978, Ph.D., 1985, University of Virginia.

