Nicholas Lindberg on what sōphrosynē can do for democracy to keep giant gulfs between citizens from forming.
Classics major Max Gavenman ’22 transcribed religious artifacts from Latin to English and learned about life in ancient Rome in an internship through the REAL program.
The Arete Prize is awarded to the Classics student who writes the best research or thesis paper.
REAL interns talk about their experiences from the summer.
The department hosted Dr. Lisa Pieraccini for a talk entitled “The Etruscans Outside the Box: Ancient and Modern Tomb Biographies”.
Fifteen new members were inducted into the ΕΨ chapter of ΗΣΦ, the SCU chapter of the national Classics Honors Society.
Using Latin to translate a Turkish herb
Enthusiastically teaching ancient history to sixth graders
Pursuing a career in business and international relations
After SCU, a masters degree in Counseling Psychology and engaged to a fellow bronco
Taking Classical Studies to work and a masters degree
Classical Studies alumna now works in the public sector and is married to a fellow bronco
From Classics to a Masters in Information Systems and rewarding work in IT
Classical Studies alumna chose a career in Human Resources
Ancient Studies alumna helps teens explore college opportunities
From Greek and Latin to medical school and a career as a doctor.
Senior Classical Studies major shares her hopes and exciting plans for 2021
Classics Department teaches Latin with VR
REAL creative project allows Jonasson to create new music
Francesco Merola graduated from SCU College of Arts and Sciences in 2017 with a Classics major and is now working for Paradiso Pictures in Miami, Florida.