Contact: Laura Nieto, Admissions & Financial Aid Specialist
The Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University is an international center of scholarly and ministerial formation, with a faculty and student body consisting of lay men and women, Jesuits, clergy, and members of other religious orders. We are rooted in the Catholic and Ignatian tradition and engage in ecumenical, interfaith, and intercultural dialogue through the Graduate Theological Union.
Jesuits, women and men religious, and lay women and men from across the United States and from 40 other countries and six continents comprise the diverse yet inclusive student body at JST and model collaborative ministry and leadership for tomorrow's Church. Offering local and global sharing, students, faculty, and staff create a deep sense of community. Lay students have the option of living in intentional communities where they share meals and regularly reflect on their faith and ministry experiences. This sense of being companions on the spiritual journey extends to our over 3,000 alumni who are serving as leaders in the Church, academia and beyond through a myriad of ministries around the world.