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SCU First Gen Staff/Faculty /Administration Profiles

Photo of Natasha Zubair
Natasha Zubair
Associate Director, Residence Life
Where did you attend college?

UC Irvine & UCLA

What was your college experience like as a first-generation college student?

Both my college experiences were equal parts exciting, rewarding, and nerve-racking. I felt grateful for the myriad of growth opportunities afforded to me but I was also clueless in navigating a new landscape away from the comfort of my home. If it wasn't for the immense support I received from my mentors in the form of faculty, staff, and close friends, I'm not sure if I would look back so fondly on my college experience.

What message do you have to share with current first-generation college students?

Our identities and lived experiences are assets. Don't let a deficit-centered society have you believe otherwise. Resilience amidst adversity is a strength but also know that there are people all around you, willing and eager, to lend a helping hand.