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California Burning

The Golden State's flaming forecast


Science: Wildfire Impacts | California Department of Fish and Wildlife

The size and intensity of California wildfires have increased significantly since the 1980s. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife provides information on wildfire risk management and resilience.


Why Does California Have So Many Wildfires? | The New York Times

"There are four key ingredients to the disastrous wildfire seasons in the West, and climate change is a key culprit.” Authors: Kendra Pierre-Louis and John Schwartz, published July 16, 2021



As the Nation Prepares to Burn Again, Indigenous Fire Practices Are a Hot Topic | Grist

“Although the idea of fighting fire with fire may seem counterintuitive, controlled burns — coupled with forest management tactics like thinning and grazing to remove excess vegetation — can reduce the size and intensity of fires by up to 76 percent.” Author: Brianna Baker, published June 2, 2021


  • A wildfire with bright flames burns through a California forest, creating orange skies and clouds of smoke
    Video: California Wildfires Illustrate the Consequences of Climate Change | PBS

    How do we know the connection between wildfires and climate change is real? Reporter Amna Nawaz interviews Leah Stokes, a  professor and researcher on climate, energy, and political policy at the University of California, Santa Barbara. “We have 500 percent more risk for wildfires during this climate-changed world than we would have before.” [06:11]

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