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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


Maëna Houssier
Maëna Houssier
Marketing Major
Paris, France

Areas of Interest at SCU and LSB:   I am interested in Marketing because I like the creativity and artistic side of business. You can help the company grow and gain clients through arts while still being in the business world. I also am interested in an International Business minor because I want to be able to work internationally because of my international background. I want to make sure that I can have the opportunity to work anywhere I want later on. I knew SCU had a great study abroad program and that was one of the main reasons why it was such an interesting school for me. I also want to minor in French & Francophone studies since I came to college with very little knowledge of English. Finding a French community on campus helped smooth my transition to a full English learning program.

What are your SCU and LSB activities/general hobbies: I recently joined SCU French Club's exec team their Marketing Directo, I am responsible for creating flyers and managing our social media platforms. Apart from the French Club, I am also involved in my French minor as a Peer Educator for upper division French classes. This has given me an opportunity to use my knowledge and share it with my peers.
In addition, I am a member of the boxing club, where I get to explore a new hobby that challenges me physically and mentally.

What internship/employment opportunities have you taken advantage of at LSB? I was introduced to the Handshake platform, which I have utilized to apply for a variety of internships. Additionally, I have leveraged the support of my peers and expanded my professional network. The school provides a dynamic and diverse community, affording opportunities to connect with individuals of varying ages and experiences. I am grateful to have formed close relationships with individuals who have been invaluable in both my personal and professional life. Through their guidance and support, I have been able to refine my resume and establish a robust LinkedIn profile.

Favorite LSB Class and Why?  MKTG 181, the first marketing class I have ever taken. I am currently enrolled in this class and find it to be highly engaging. My recent application to study abroad in Europe prompted me to finalize my 4-year plan, which included choosing my major and minors. Although I originally wanted to major in International Business, I was disappointed to find out that it was not offered at LSB. However, I still wanted to study it, so I decided to minor in International Business and choose my other minors first before deciding on my major. I believe that a major in marketing offers a wide range of opportunities across multiple industries. In high school, my favorite subject was sociology and I am drawn to the social aspects of marketing, such as consumer behavior analysis, public relations, and market research. I enjoy the process of trying to understand how people think and then using that information to market products effectively to consumers. MKTG 181 is a class that provides a comprehensive overview of marketing fundamentals. It has proven to be highly engaging, with weekly in-class exercises that allow students to apply the concepts learned in real-life scenarios. This hands-on approach not only allows for practical application of the material, but also provides opportunities for interaction with classmates and professional networking.

What made you choose to attend LSB?  As an international student from a multicultural background, my parents had certain expectations for the universities I would consider. At first, my familiarity with universities was limited to the famous names commonly depicted in the media, such as Berkeley, Harvard, and Yale. However, with the guidance of my high school college counselor, I was introduced to a range of new and diverse campuses that aligned with my interests and aspirations. After careful consideration and discussions, my counselor and I determined that Santa Clara University would be the best fit for me. Despite being initially drawn to a Canadian university that offered my desired International Business major, I ultimately chose SCU due to its smaller class sizes and stronger sense of community, which I believe is essential for my learning style. Additionally, SCU's robust study abroad program and location in the Silicon Valley provide me with ample opportunities for global exposure and professional growth. Recently, I received confirmation for a study abroad program in Italy for next fall. This is a fantastic opportunity for me to immerse myself in a new culture and strengthen my language skills, including Italian, which I have been studying independently.

What advice you wish you had while applying to college? Looking back on my college application process, I wish that I had utilized my network and resources more effectively. At the time, I lacked a thorough understanding of the college application process and relied heavily on the guidance of my college counselor. In retrospect, I believe that a different approach in my essays could have resulted in a more effective application. However, I am grateful for the outcome of my college journey and am happy with my decision. I am now in a position to share my experience and the advice I wish I had received with new high school students who tour the school, as well as my younger siblings. As my brother is soon to embark on his own college journey, I am pleased to be able to support him with the knowledge and insight I have gained. Similarly, I am looking forward to supporting my little sister in her future educational pursuits.