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Leavey Ambassadors Program Blogs

Anna Morris: A Trip Down Memory Lane

As my time at SCU comes to an end, I look back on the importance of taking leaps of faith and not letting the fear of the unknown control me.


Group of six women smiling and hugging outdoors.

One month. That is the amount of time that I have left at Santa Clara University. One month from now, I will adventure off into the real world to start a new chapter of life. One month from now, I won’t be returning to the same buildings and classrooms that I have spent four years learning copious amounts of knowledge in. One month is all I have left, but who's counting. Over the past four years, I have been lucky enough to call SCU not only my university, but a home. So as my last quarter draws to a close, I want to reflect upon my memories from the past four years. 

Group of people posing in front of a lit-up building at night.

From the very first moment, I stepped on to this campus, I knew there was something special about it. I had no idea why I felt like this, but I knew I had to be a part of the community at SCU, so I decided to take a leap of faith and attend the university. At the time, I had no idea what the future held for me, but I jumped and it was one of the best decisions in my life. Being a student at SCU allowed me to study in an accepting community, where I was surrounded by peers who challenged me to be a better person professionally, academically, and personally. I owe my love for this university to the peers, faculty, and staff that I have had the privilege of meeting and doing life with over the last four years. Without them, this place would not be my home. They are the heart of the university and their light and brilliance creates a beautiful learning environment for all.  

So, trusting that you choose the correct university is one of the scariest parts of determining what school to attend. Pushing that acceptance button and not knowing what lies on the other side can be pretrifying. It is like you are stepping around a blind corner. But if I could give you one piece of advice, do not let the fear of the unknown stop you. Let your fear drive you to accomplish everything you have ever wanted. Do not let the fear shut you down, but drive you forward. So, deciding where to go to school can be paralyzing, but remember that it will all be worth it because great times lie right around the corner. 

Leavey Ambassadors Program Blogs 2021-2022