Marina Menendez: Studying Abroad in a Pandemic

This past fall I had the opportunity to study in Barcelona, Spain and despite the fact that COVID was still a concern all over the world I decided to take the leap before I graduate. Being abroad is all about adapting to new environments and situations, and having COVID as a concern requires yet another level of adaptability. That being said, I embraced abroad despite all the uncertainty and ever-changing regulations. I was able to experience all that Barcelona had to offer over the course of the 3 ½ months I lived there. Spanish people were some of the most kind, genuine people I’ve met, and the sights in the city were unparalleled. Abroad allowed me to experience the Spanish culture to the fullest, but I was also able to travel to several different countries in Europe which offered me not only great memories but also opened my mind to how big the world truly is. Wearing a

mask and getting COVID tested regularly seemed like a small price to pay for all that studying abroad gave me. Now, being back in Santa Clara I reflect on my time in Spain fondly and I feel grateful that I was able to grow as much as I did. Overall, my ability to adapt was tested more than ever while abroad and I now see how that has allowed me to view situations in my life as simple in comparison. This experience is one I will never forget and I would encourage others to study abroad if at all possible.