Tim Cody: Footsteps to Finance

This quarter I took bounds and leaps toward becoming a professional within my field of study: Finance. Before this quarter, I had called myself, and been accepted, as a finance major. However, I still did not have much experience within or knowledge of the field. Therefore, I found it difficult to confidently engage in conversations about my future when I did not know what I was getting myself into.
Thankfully, this quarter I enrolled in my second finance class, FNCE 124: Investments. The class focuses on exposing students to different investment strategies and the useful methods/indicators to create a complete portfolio. Although elementary to an expert, this class teaches the fundamentals of managing the balance between risk and reward. With a mixture of lectures and group projects, I had to be a sponge, absorbing information. I truly am grateful for the hard skills learned in the classroom that will be the backbone for my future.
At the beginning of the quarter, I felt the pressure of locking down an internship for this summer. Therefore, I reached out to my academic advisor for some guidance. She made sure that I attended the business-oriented career fair. At this event, I participated in company presentations and met with several employers one-on-one. Luckily, those conversations came to fruition as I was given the opportunity to interview and eventually offered a summer internship. Now, I can proudly say that I will learn more about finance, specifically wealth management, from Rosewood Family Advisors over the summer of 2022. Looking forward, I cannot wait to further my knowledge of the financial industry and explore what I will do post-graduation.