David C. Jeong
B.A., Communication Studies, UCLA
Ed.M., Mind Brain & Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Ph.D., Communication, USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism
Post-doctoral Scholar, Computer Science, Northeastern College of Computer & Information Science
Post-doctoral Scholar, USC Institute for Creative Technologies; USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
David C. Jeong is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication. He researches VR/XR, social media, and morality. At SCU, he teaches classes in Technology and Communication, Quantitative Methods, Media Psychology, and VR Design. Learn more about Jeong's classes at SCU.
Jeong leads the Santa Clara Media Lab, which is a collaborative research group investigating media technologies (social media, VR, games) from both a critical and data-driven perspective. The primary topics of research include but are not limited to: social media metrics, social media motivations and trends across each platform, platform governance, free speech, and hate speech, and human computer interaction. The Media Lab critically examines contemporary trends and messages, critiques the ethics and design of emerging technologies, as well as examines bias, hate speech, and toxicity on social media and online communities (e.g., games). Please contact Dr. Jeong if you are a student interested in joining the Santa Clara Media Lab.
Jeong is one of the faculty co-directors of the WAVE+Imaginarium Lab, SCU’s hub of high performance computing, VR/AR/XR, visualization, and digital humanities. Learn more about the Imaginarium.
He also enjoys studying law, particularly the implications of social media platform governance and algorithms on First Amendment law. He enjoys playing and developing games, watching baseball, and listening to lo-fi music.
Pronouns: he/him/his
- Technology and Communication (COMM 12)
- Quantitative Research Methods (COMM 110)
- Media Psychology (COMM 113A)
- VR Design (COMM 169)
- Jeong, D. C., Kim, S. S. Y., Xu, J. J., & Miller, L. C. (2021). Protean Kinematics: A Blended Model of VR Physics. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 705170.
- Kim, H. M., Jeong, D. C., Appleby, P. R., Christensen, J. L., & Miller, L. C. (2021). Parental Rejection After Coming Out: Detachment, Shame, and the Reparative Power of Romantic Love. International Journal of Communication, 15(0), 20.
- Jeong, D. C., Xu, J. J., & Miller, L. C. (2020). Inverse Kinematics and Temporal Convolutional Networks for Sequential Pose Analysis in VR. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), 274–281.
- Wang, L., Christensen, J. L., Smith, B. J., Gillig, T. K., Jeong, D. C., Liu, M., Appleby, P. R., Read, S. J., & Miller, L. C. (2021). User-Agent Bond in Generalizable Environments: Long-Term Risk-Reduction via Nudged Virtual Choices. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 695389.
- Xu, Y., Jeong, D., Sequeira, P., Gratch, J., Aslam, J., & Marsella, S. (2020). A Supervised Topic Model Approach to Learning Effective Styles within Human-Agent Negotiation. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 2047–2049.
- Feng, D., Jeong, D. C., Krämer, N. C., Miller, L. C., & Marsella, S. (2017). “Is It Just Me?”: Evaluating Attribution of Negative Feedback as a Function of Virtual Instructor’s Gender and Proxemics. Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 810–818.
- Jeong, D. C., Feng, D., Krämer, N. C., Miller, L. C., & Marsella, S. (2017). Negative Feedback In Your Face: Examining the Effects of Proxemics and Gender on Learning. In J. Beskow, C. Peters, G. Castellano, C. O’Sullivan, I. Leite, & S. Kopp (Eds.), Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 170–183). Springer International Publishing.
- Jeong, D. C., & Lee, J. (2017). Snap back to reality: Examining the cognitive mechanisms underlying Snapchat. Computers in Human Behavior, 77, 274–281.
- Niu, Z., Jeong, D. C., Brickman, J., Nam, Y., Liu, S., & Stapleton, J. L. (2020). A Picture Worth a Thousand Texts? Investigating the Influences of Visual Appeals in a Text Message-Based Health Intervention. Journal of Health Communication, 25(3), 204–213.
- Niu, Z., Jeong, D. C., Coups, E. J., & Stapleton, J. L. (2019). An Experimental Investigation of Human Presence and Mobile Technologies on College Students’ Sun Protection Intentions: Between-Subjects Study. JMIR MHealth and UHealth, 7(8), e13720.
- Miller, L. C., Shaikh, S. J., Jeong, D. C., Wang, L., Gillig, T. K., Godoy, C. G., Appleby, P. R., Corsbie-Massay, C. L., Marsella, S., Christensen, J. L., & Read, S. J. (2019). Causal Inference in Generalizable Environments: Systematic Representative Design. Psychological Inquiry, 30(4), 173–202.
- Miller, L. C., Jeong, D. C., Wang, L., Shaikh, S. J., Gillig, T. K., Godoy, C. G., Appleby, P. R., Corsbie-Massay, C. L., Marsella, S., Christensen, J. L., & Read, S. J. (2019). Systematic Representative Design: A Reply to Commentaries. Psychological Inquiry, 30(4), 250–263.
- Miller, L. C., Wang, L., Jeong, D. C., & Gillig, T. K. (2019). Bringing the Real World into the Experimental Lab: Technology-Enabling Transformative Designs. In Social-Behavioral Modeling for Complex Systems (pp. 359–386). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Niu, Z., Jeong, D. C., & Willoughby, J. F. (2021). Friends over Doctors? The Influences of Source and Perceived Customization on College Drinking. Health Communication, 36(6), 671–681.