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Student Staff Biographies

Biographies for the 2017 Orientation student staff.

Senior Orientation Leaders

Hello everyone! I am from sunny San Diego and am growing to love Northern California just as much as I love SoCal. I am a Communication and Spanish Studies double major and am considering minoring in International Business or Musical Theater. This upcoming school year, I am going to be involved with ASG and APB, and am really excited about it! I also really love exploring new places, playing volleyball in the sand court between McWalsh and Dunne, laying out in Mission Garden, meeting new people, and genuinely having a good time. I like to consider myself friendly and outgoing, so come up to me anytime if you have any questions or if you just want to chat (especially if I'm in the library because I'm probably looking for a good excuse to procrastinate anyway). I'm so glad that you chose SCU as your home for the next 4 years and that you love it as much as I do. #gobroncos

Favorite Upbeat Song: "Let's Dance to Joy Division" by the Wombats

A person smiling in front of green plants.

I am from a small town called Acampo, CA and I am a Political Science and Philosophy double major. I also work for the Drahmann Tutoring Center on campus! I became an Orientation Leader because of the amazing impact that my OLs had on my college experience. Orientation got me extremely excited to be a Bronco, and set off my college experience on a positive note. I believe that every Santa Clara student deserves the same amazing experience that I had! I also wanted to work with an energetic group of dedicated students to learn more about Santa Clara. My favorite on-campus activity is playing beach volleyball and hanging out in Benson, our dining hall. Off-campus, I enjoy exploring the area and taking the train to San Francisco with my friends! My favorite part about Santa Clara University is easily the supportive and welcoming community that the university fosters. So many people are proud to be Broncos!

Favorite Upbeat Song: "Listen to the Music" by the Doobie Brothers

A person in a red polo shirt stands in front of leafy plants.

Orientation Central Staff

I was born in Madrid the day after Christmas (Boxing Day?) in 1996, and soon after moved back to the United States with my parents. I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago with my sister. We went to a grade school far north of the city, eventually moving south to a Jesuit high school called Loyola Academy. Being a competitive swimmer until senior year, the pool was my second home ever since I was 8. My other hobbies include yoga, kayaking on Lake Michigan, and driving on the iconic Lake Shore Drive. I aspire to travel the entire world and reach all seven continents, just like my grandma. My dream job is to create art for album covers. I plan to achieve that goal with my Studio Art and Communications double major here at SCU. Santa Clara University has felt like a home to me ever since my first day at Orientation last summer. There is not a day that goes by without me walking on this campus and thinking about how lucky I am to have found this special place. I feel as though I have significantly grown as a person, and I learned a lot about myself at this school, and still continue to now. I look forward to spreading my love for SCU to all the incoming first years.

Favorite Upbeat Song: "Cheerleader" by OMI

A person in a red shirt standing in front of green plants.

My name is Anne Dorflinger Graham and I hail from the beautiful land of North Carolina. I love long walks on the beach and beautiful sunsets. I have many leather-bound books and my room in Cyphi smells of rich mahogany. My desire to explore new places enticed me to travel across the country to continue my education at Santa Clara University. After having such a great time at my first year Orientation session I wanted to be an Orientation Leader so I could have the opportunity to create the same welcoming environment to all incoming students. I also wanted to take the time to learn more about the community I am a part of that made me feel so at home so quickly. I love backpacking and kayaking with all my heart, so it’s not a surprise my favorite thing I’ve gotten involved in since coming to SCU is Into the Wild. Through Into the Wild I have met some of my closest friends at SCU while also getting to explore some of the beautiful places in the greater Bay and California area. I love being a Bronco and can’t wait to welcome all of you to the Bronco family!

Favorite Upbeat Song: "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch

A person in a red sweater standing in front of green shrubs.

I can’t wait to be an OL because I can’t wait to welcome new students, just like my Orientation Leaders welcomed me last summer! I have found a home at Santa Clara in so many ways because of the kindness they showed me and how dedicated they were to helping my scared first year self find ways to get involved at SCU. As an OL I hope to continue this tradition of being a friend to every first year who comes to SCU and to use my knowledge of the campus and the multiple resources it has so every first year can make SCU their home too!

When I’m not leading Orientation (which is most of the time), I really enjoy hanging out on campus to attend our division one and club sports games, going to the Sullivan Aquatic Center, attending various SCAAP events, playing intramural sports (despite my inability to hit a badminton birdie), and just hanging out with other SCU students because literally everyone on this campus is so nice! If I’m not on campus doing any of those wonderful things, I love exploring the city, finding new Acai bowl restaurants, and exploring different hiking spots near campus!

Favorite Upbeat Song: "Cake by the Ocean" by DNCE

Person wearing red shirt with

In 1996 October 3rd, I was born in Washington D.C. and joined Drake’s OVO (Octobers Very Own). I then was raised in Potomac, Maryland with my now 14 year old sister and 6 year old brother. While I did not grow up to sunny weather and beaches around the corner, I did grow up watching a bunch of politicians debate on legislation topics such as “whether our national mammal should be a buffalo.” I’m passionate about outdoors (ocean especially), music, standup comedy, photography, spike ball, and fitness. I do my best to guide my life with the top five values of love, integrity, healthy, adventure, and learning. Some things that are on my bucket list include traveling the world, having a nerf-gun fight while skydiving, going on a summer backpacking trip, and simply doing something everyday that scares me. I can honestly say that Santa Clara has become my second home. I love this school for its ability to grow you as an individual. Santa Clara gives students the ability to customize their college experience and to develop yourself into being the person you want to grow into. Some of the ways I got to experience this was through my involvement in student government and my ability learn many topics through a diversity of classes.

Favorite Upbeat Song: "Happy" by Pharrell Williams

A person wearing a Stanford sweatshirt stands in front of plants.

Orientation Leaders

Hi! My name is Katie Arial. I am a rising Sophomore from Pasadena, California studying Business at Santa Clara. But more importantly, I love breakfast, writing, kickboxing and am really good at thumb wars. Also, I eat an unhealthy amount of cheerios (always go plain, never honey nut). I am involved in Campus Ministry, Ruff Riders, Young Life and other organizations around campus. When I was an incoming freshman, I was so nervous the night before orientation, that I literally couldn't sleep. I ended up having the most amazing time at orientation and an even better freshman year full of new experiences and incredible friendships. I want students to have the same orientation experience as I had, leaving with confidence that Santa Clara is a place to call home! I'm so excited to be an Orientation leader this summer and get to share why I think Santa Clara is truly the best place to be. Get pumped!

Ava Atkinson is a marketing major in the Leavey School of Business, class of 2020. She is from Lafayette, CO and loves adventure. At SCU she is part of the club swim team and comedy club. She is so pumped to be an Orientation Leader; she has wanted this job since she attended orientation herself.

Hello Future Broncos! My name is Erick Barrientos and I am from Pittsburg, California. I am a rising Sophomore and an undeclared Business Major in the Leavey School of Business. After having an awesome Orientation session in my first year, and being led by the best Orientation leaders, I was inspired to become one myself! After Orientation I felt at home, and was so excited to go back already and start the year at SCU. I hope that after your Orientation you will all feel the same way, and myself and all other Orientation Leaders will do our absolute best to ensure that you do. There are endless opportunities here at SCU, and there is something for everybody to get into. As an Orientation Leader, my goal is to help you find that certain something that could change your life here at SCU, or inspire you to do things you've never done before.

Some things I like to do in my free time are DJ, go on hikes or explore new places, watch soccer, and eat food, specifically hot wings. Some fun facts about me are that one time, Jim Harbaugh sat in on my High School World Religions Class, I've been on the "Varsity Nights" global Snapchat story, and I am on the San Antonio Spurs' 2014 Championship DVD Video. I never asked to be famous, the famous life chose me. I look forward to meeting all of you and of course, Go Broncos!

Hi! My name is Cameron Bick, and I am an Economics major in the school of Arts and Sciences. Outside of my love for learning about all things involving money, I have a passion for stand-up comedy! Whether I'm just observing the world around me or hanging with friends, I'm always thinking of ideas for stand-up bits! I'm most happy when I'm laughing and those around me are laughing at my jokes. I love getting to know people and have interesting conversations with others, so please, don't hesitate to say hi!

Hi! My name is Devon! I am a double major in Philosophy and Political Science. I am from Kailua, Hawaii. I love the water and everything about it. I also love dogs. If I see a dog I will go and pet it no matter what. I have two Doberman/Rottweilers that are siblings and I miss them more than I can describe. I guarantee you will be shown photos. I also like chocolate ice-cream, my Hydroflask, and poetry. Go Broncos!

Hey my name is Annie Chambers! I'm a sophomore studio art major from Baltimore, Maryland. I play club field hockey and I really like doing anything and everything outdoors. My spirit animal is a chicken, my favorite foods are tacos and watermelon, and I love talking about and making art. I'm SO excited to get to know all you funky people!

Hey, I'm Ella! I'm a first year student in the College of Arts and Sciences, currently majoring in Psychology. I'm from London, England, but I unfortunately don't like tea. I decided to come to California because I really wanted to master my American accent, and I think it's going pretty well. I can't wait to meet you all this summer and show you why I love Santa Clara so much!

Hey y'all, I'm Pedro Da Silva a rising Junior studying Economics and minoring in Retail Studies and Sustainability. I am looking forward to getting into the retail industry, but am also passionate about discovering more sustainable methods. I'm from Fairfield, CT so coming to Santa Clara last year was definitely a huge change for me, but living in Claradise for sure made that change a little easier. On campus I am involved with the Activities Programming Board, the LEAD Scholars Program, and Club Swim Team. I am super excited to be an Orientation Leader this summer and meet all of you new Broncos! As always, GO BRONCOS!

Hi my name is Ali Deambrosio! I'm a sophomore Political Science and Communications double major from New Canaan, Connecticut. Some fun facts about me are that I really like dogs, grapes, my favorite tree is a pine tree, and my favorite dessert is pie. Can't wait to meet all you groovy humans!

Hey, First Years! My name is David Diebold. I am a rising sophomore and Pre-med Bioengineering major from Mililani, Hawaii. I am really looking forward to meeting all of you!

When Enyo isn't wondering what she is doing with her life, or putting every responsibility off till the last possible moment, you can usually find her frantically making her way through the first year of university. Born in Accra, Ghana, home town in Lakewood, Colorado, Enyo's diverse background aids her in working through any of life's problems (or at least she thinks so). She's part of a big family of six; two parents, a little sister and brother and a twin sister. Enyo's few talents include manically making her way through her physics and math double major, pretending she isn't a total mess, and building sand castles. First, her dream was to be an artist, then is was to be a forensic pathologist (google it), and now she is settling just for graduating college. Her ideal date would be a beautiful hike and a little bit of time in the great outdoors; yet, would settle for anything that involves food. Enyo manages to awkwardly make her way through life without completely messing up; and always manages to find time to laugh. She likes long walks on the beach, oversized dogs, breakfast for dinner, and string theory. Enyo always finds the bright side of any situation and is always there to help you with your math homework. I think this one's a keeper.<o:p></o:p>

Hello all! My name is Brendan Gescher and I am a sophomore Mechanical Engineering major from Corvallis, Oregon. On campus, I am currently involved in intramurals, Christian Life Community (CLC), Engineers Without Borders, and Ruff-Riders. Some of my favorite things are the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the ice-cream cookie sandwiches from the Cellar, and playing FIFA with friends.

Hi! My name is Issabelle Hayden and I am a rising sophomore at SCU. I am an Undeclared Business major from Renton, WA (about 30 minutes east of Seattle), and in my spare time you can find me sitting in Mission Gardens reading a good book or catching up on the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy. In addition to being an Orientation Leader, I am also a Student Ambassador, a member of Igwebuike, and on the Community Council Leadership Team for Unity RLC. I wanted to be an Orientation Leader, because I believe Santa Clara's orientation sessions are unique, and a great way to start the transition to college life. I look forward to welcoming you all into the bronco family!

I'm Gladys Hilerio and I'm from Kenmore, WA which is in the greater Seattle area. I'm a computer engineering major who loves throwing the disc around in Ultimate Frisbee as well as singing and grooving out in SCU a Capella. I love to bake as well as eat what I eat. If I could I would be eating baked goods and singing while throwing a Frisbee with some friends on a sunny day.

Yo yo yo my peeps! My name is Emma Hokoda and I am a Political Science and Environmental Studies double major with a Public Health and Theater double minor from Seattle, WA. I love the outdoors and am always down for a hike, trip to the beach, or even simply a walk around campus or study sesh outside in Mission Gardens. I also love theater, snapchat, watching Survivor, cheese (if accompanied by a lactaid pill because I am lactose intolerant), and traveling. If you like any of these things, please talk to me about them! I also love talking. :)<o:p></o:p>

My freshman year I was on board of the Japanese Student Association, served as a peer educator for Public Health Science 1, acted in the Winter One Act festival (where I played a 75-year-old Catholic women with a Chicago accent and pantomimed the entire show), and was a member of a Christian Life Community (CLC) group. If you have any questions about JSA, peer educating, the theater department, or CLC, I'm your gal. <o:p></o:p>

At my Orientation session, I fell in love with SCU and met some of my best friends. I hope that I can provide all the incoming students with an amazing experience like I was given. Coming to college can seem like a super scary thing and while in certain ways it is very intimidating, it's also tons of fun and full of good times that you will remember for the rest of your life. Orientation is the start of a four-year journey that are the best four years of your don't waste them!! Hit the ground running, try new things, meet lots of people, really put yourself out there and I promise you won't regret it. #GoBroncos <o:p></o:p>

Hey everyone! My name is Camille Hope, a freshman here at Santa Clara University with an undeclared business major. Coming from San Diego, California I love being outside, going to the beach, eating Mexican food, and love spending time with friends. What is so awesome about being a bronco is all the opportunities you have in joining clubs and making new friends. Some of the things I am involved in are Hipnotik, Net Impact, Multicultural Center, LEAD Scholars Program, and intramural sports. As an Orientation Leader I am looking forward to welcoming you all into the bronco fam! There is so much in store for you during orientation that will help you transition into the life at "Claradise"! I can't wait to meet you all. LET'S GO BRONCOS!!!

Hi! My name is Avery James and I'm a Communications and Political Science double major from the wonderful Boulder, Colorado! I am an only child, but I have three dogs who I love more than I could ever love siblings. Some of my favorite things are playing tennis, traveling, friendship, making music, hanging in hammocks, and gardening. I'm here at SCU because I have opportunities to do all of those things, plus do a lot of learning (and a little sunbathing). I am so excited to have the chance to give incoming students the same great time and enthusiasm about SCU that I had at Orientation! This year at Santa Clara I've been able to get involved in the Ruff Riders Leadership Team (sco 'cos) and volunteer at The Forge garden. As a sophomore, I'll be a Senator in the Associated Student Government. I can't wait to see what this summer and the next three years will bring!

Parker Johnson is a First Year Comp-sci Major in the College of Arts and Sciences. Originally from Carlsbad, California, Parker is excited to move somewhere where the weather is still nice and sunny. When Parker isn't working as an Orientation Leader, he loves to play piano and ride his unicycle.

Hello fellow Broncos! My name is Abby Kloos and I am a rising sophomore at Santa Clara! Currently, I am an undecided business major with a Retail Studies minor (because who doesn't love to buy things). I grew up in Evergreen, a small mountain town west of Denver, but my parents moved to Denver almost immediately after I left the nest. I am the youngest of three kids and my brother is a rising senior here at SCU! Go Broncos! I am so honored and excited to be an Orientation Leader, as I pride myself on the love I have for SCU. Santa Clara quickly became my new home and I met the most genuine and friendly people here. I didn't know anyone from my area coming to school, so you could say I was a little nervous. But, orientation took away some of the nerves I had when the academic year started. I hope every student has an easy transition into this exciting, new chapter of their lives and the orientation staff and I are willing to go above and beyond to make that happen! As always, it's a great day to be a Bronco!!

My name is Noah Lordi and I am an Engineering Physics and Mathematics double major. I was born in San Diego but spent most of my life in Denver, Colorado. I love riddles, puzzles, and trivia. I play chess as a hobby and I am involved in intramural sports on campus. I will be going into my 2nd year at Santa Clara.

I hail from Orange County, California from the streets of Yorba Linda where I was born and raised. I love playing all kinds of sports and I'm always down for an adventure. I'm a commuter student but I'm around campus almost all the time. Sneakers are a big part of me so keep your eyes peeled for my sick kicks!

My name is Ben Rhoades and I'm from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. As a sophomore in the Leavey School of Business, I am an undeclared business major looking at accounting or finance as possible majors. I'm involved with Associated Student Government and the Sustainable Business club here at SCU. I am a huge baseball fan and enjoy playing and watching most sports in general. I also love going on adventures outdoors like beach trips and backpacking.

For More Information

Contact: Cameron Barrilleaux