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Marketing and Communications

Positioning the University

Our brand position is our most important strategic brand asset. Our positioning statement summarizes the facts behind the SCU brand.

The positioning statement describes what the brand stands for, its vision, its attributes, its personality, and why it’s different. These facts, when presented to our target audiences, will help them organize basic information about SCU and how it stacks up to competitors.

Using the Positioning Statement

Our positioning statements encapsulate the University in a concise form for a range of different uses. These statements can be used verbatim as boilerplates for press releases. They can be submitted to editors, used in presentations, or presented any time someone quickly needs to know about SCU and what we do. You cannot overuse these statements.

  • Brief Statement. Santa Clara University prepares students for the future through a personalized education that integrates rigorous study with high-impact experiential learning and Jesuit values. Here, academic excellence combined with a Silicon Valley location fosters a transformational educational experience.

  • Detailed Statement. Santa Clara University prepares students for the future through a personalized education that integrates rigorous study with high-impact experiential learning and Jesuit values. SCU uniquely cultivates knowledge, ethical reasoning, and a global perspective, while building on its Silicon Valley location and connections to help advance scientific and technological innovation and entrepreneurship in service to humanity. A diverse, highly talented student body challenges every student to excel academically, while the University’s campus and geographic location foster innumerable opportunities for recreation and personal growth.