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Create a blog with multiple contributors using the Story and Profile content types.

Organizing content as a blog, where articles are associated with a particular author, can be done by creating Stories and Profiles and building a site structure that creates a connection between them. The Story content type includes blog-specific display options that bring the story and profile content together. Here's an example, using SCU press releases as sample content.

Here's how to organize the structure of a blog, with details on the content types to include.

  • Blog home page
    You can include two Story Display content types, one for a featured post and one for all other recent posts. Use the 'blog-feature' and 'blog-card' display options - those are designed to include profile information about the post's author.

    The home page can also include the Story Tag Buttons content type. This will display a group of buttons for each tag used in the blog, and links to a display page that will filter a listing of blog posts based on the tag.

    • Contributors and Posts
      This section can use a Profile Display to feature blog contributors, as well as a Story Display for recent blog posts, contact information, or any other content type.

      • Contributor 1
        Include Story content and Profile Display for this contributor.
        • Profile - Add a Profile for the contributor, and be sure to use "Profile" as the section name. T4 will use that to make the connection between stories and the profile content.

      • Contributor 2
        Create a branch including Story content and a Profile for each blog contributor.
        • Profile

    • Recent Posts
      This section can be used to filter blog posts based on tags. Refer to the Tag Navigation description below for more information.

You can name the sections as you wish. The only exception is the "Profile" section, where the section name is used within T4 to make the connection between the contributor's posts and profile content.

And you can add any number of sections and content types in the blog branch as needed. The outline above is meant to illustrate the necessary content and section arrangement to support the Story/Profile content connection.

Tag Navigation

If you are adding tags to your Story content, consider adding the tag navigation options: add the Story Tag Buttons content type to the home page, and enable the display of tags in individual Stories by adding the Story Tag Display content type to a site-config section in the blog branch. In each case you can exclude tags from display (e.g. "feature", or other internal-use tags), and specify a destination page for tag links (Recent articles, in our demo blog). This page should include a Story Display content type including the full blog, and will filter results for display based on the linked tag.

Additional section setup

Include a link-menu section and Link Menu Level content type to set the site's navigation menu to start with the blog's home page.

If the site is inheriting sidebar content from a parent section, you can over-ride that by adding a sidebar-config section below the blogs's home page.

As noted above, you'd need a site-config section in order to include the Story Tag Display content type.

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