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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


Atulya Sarin : Cryptocurrencies : MarketWatch

Professor Atulya Sarin published an article discussing the obstacles cryptocurrencies have faced and how they should have more permissive regulations.

Professor of Finance Atulya Sarin explains the resistance that cryptocurrencies have been facing in two articles published in MarketWatch.

In the first article, Sarin addresses cryptoassets which are used to conduct transactions and include currencies like bitcoin. Sarin explores the regulations and hostility that cryptoassets have been faced with, and argues that they should be explored in further depth and given an opportunity before being limited due to their uncertainty.  

In another similar article from MarketWatch, Sarin writes about blockchain, the technology that would provide use for bitcoin while simultaneously increasing bitcoin’s demand and value. Sarin lists the variety of advantages that biotcoin presents, such as how it cannot be devalued by governments, but he also discusses how bitcoin could be replaced in the future.

“In a short time, people have gone from reluctance to share credit-card information on the web to depositing checks with a smartphone,” Sarin writes. “Anti-spam laws arrived well-after the spam filters had already been created. For cryptocurrencies to reach their full potential most rapidly, a permissive regulatory regime is advisable to allow the market itself to develop solutions to some of the technology’s most pernicious elements. It would be an irrevocable mistake to wave a red flag in front of the next potential Google or Facebook.”

Learn more about Professor Atulya Sarin»


LSB Newsmakers, FNCE, LSB Faculty, Atulya Sarin