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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University


Assistant Professor of Management Jo-Ellen Pozner Head Shot

Assistant Professor of Management Jo-Ellen Pozner Head Shot

Jo-Ellen Pozner : Corporate Espionage vs. Corporate intelligence : MarketWatch

Professor Jo-Ellen Pozner is highlighted in an article addressing a lawsuit against Uber regarding corporate espionage.
Assistant Professor of Management Jo-Ellen Pozner Head Shot

In an article regarding Uber’s Marketing Analytics unit’s ethicality, Professor of Management Jo-Ellen Pozner provides insight on the difference between corporate intelligence and corporate espionage. Pozner suggests that there is not always a defined way of differentiating between their gathering of information. However, Pozner proposes looking at tactics and means of collection such as if they are utilizing public information or going undercover and being more hidden. Furthermore, Pozner argues that executive knowledge must be present if there is any type of corporate espionage.

An excerpt from the article:

In Uber’s case, Pozner said that by the time a company is taking measures to cover its tracks by using self-deleting messages, it has crossed a line between competitive intelligence and espionage. “If you feel like you need to do something to cover your tracks, you’re doing something unethical,” she said.

Read the full article here»

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LSB Newsmakers, MGMT, LSB Faculty, Jo-Ellen Pozner