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Community Fellows Blog Posts

Caroline Glaser: Learning New Skills

Caroline discusses how her business curriculum has helped her in her internship at SVCN.

Smiling individual outdoors with blurred background.

Through my work at the Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits these past two quarters I have
learned how to apply the skills and knowledge that I have gained at SCU to community issues
and nonprofit work. The curriculum at the business school does a good job of introducing how to
conduct business ethically but I feel this program has given me practical experience in ethical
business and work. To be able to apply my skills to work that is actively benefitting marginalized
communities and their needs has been such a valuable learning experience and has opened my
eyes to a lot of careers that I was unaware of before.
Having a background as an economics major has helped me develop strong critical thinking and
analysis abilities. My internship along with the community fellow’s seminar has helped me gain
insight into how this lens can be used in the context of public policy and nonprofit issues. One of
the reasons I love economics is that it offers such a valuable critical lens to begin understanding
the immense complexity each issue holds. I have learned how equitable solutions to these issues
are driven by an understanding of how stakeholders are affected. Applying this to my work at
SVCN has helped me better understand how crucial it is that non-profits and organizations that
serve our communities and work to address challenges they face are able to provide input on
public policy.
Another business skill that has been particularly helpful in my organization is reliability and
eagerness to learn. Something the business school has emphasized is how important it is to be a
‘sponge’—always open to listening to others and learning something new. Bringing this mindset
to my internship at SVCN has enabled me to seek understanding about the current nonprofit
environment in the Silicon Valley as well as how SVCN approaches their work. Additionally,
having the opportunity to gain so much practice in working in professional-like group settings
has impressed onto me the immense importance of being a reliable team member and supporting
the rest of my team in whatever ways I can. Overall, my internship at SVCN has deeply enriched
my learning experience at SCU and has enabled me to apply my business skills to social issues. I
am so grateful for this program and to SVCN for partaking in it, it’s truly so powerful to be able
to go beyond the classroom and tie my business degree in to social justice work.

LSB Fellows,2022-2023