2022-2023 Fellow
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley - Education Programs Intern
Management Major
Home Town: Brentwood, California
Summary of responsibilities in fellowship role
I am an Education Programs Intern so my work relies heavily on supporting the 2000+ participants in the Hispanic Foundation College Success Programs. Such programs include Latinos in Technology Program (LITSI), Scholar Success Chats, Resume and Professional Development Webinars, Latino Board Leadership Academy (LBLA), Scholarship Books, and more! In addition, I conduct data tracking and information distribution to students and parents on college access, guidance, workshops, and online resources.
In what ways are you making a positive contribution to your organization/department?
Right now, I am working on developing and sending out major surveys to members of the Latinos In Technology Program (LISTI Scholars) and Latino Board Leadership Academy (LBLAers). These surveys contain important information about scholar/fellow satisfaction and support of the programs they are in, the internships/jobs/boards they have been able to join due to the programs, and areas of growth. From the 100s of survey responses, I am working hand in hand with another SCU HFSV Fellow to develop a report summarizing the Hispanic Foundation’s impact on these individuals! A lot of my work within my organization is making sure that the true impact HFSV has on the community is able to shine through so I am happy I am able to support this objective.
What are 1-2 aspects of your Fellowship that have been most rewarding or helpful to you so far?
One aspect of my Fellowship that has been the most rewarding is attending events, both virtual and in-person, to see the individuals that the work of my organization is impacting. One event at SJSU allowed me to interact with students who were able to tell me their stories about how the LITSI program scholarship helped them attend college and relieve some of the financial burden from their families. Being able to understand the personal impact HFSV has had on others makes my work rewarding and fulfilling. I believe that as a minority, I have a dedicated passion to see others excel in occupying the space they desire. So, as a fellow, I see my position as a bridge to champion these individuals to get to the places and positions they hope to be in.
One aspect of my Fellowship that has been helpful to me is simply learning how to balance working part-time while being a full-time student. Everyday I learn something new about how to be a young professional which will aid my future internships and career. I have met so many amazing individuals who have helped me grow and understand what it takes to make a tangible impact in the position you are in. The dedication I see from my HFSV colleagues to better the Latinx community in the San Jose and Santa Clara area inspires me to do the same for my own community in my future positions.
What would you recommend to LSB students who want to make a difference in the community?
Don’t wait to make a difference! There are so many opportunities to do something in the community, you just have to find what you are most passionate about and do it. Of course, the LSB Community Fellows is definitely a program I would recommend for any business student looking to make an impact in the community outside of SCU. Additionally, do a bit of research about the organizations in our area and volunteer yourself! I promise you that taking the time to do something for others such as volunteering at a community center, garden, or food drive will fill you with a sort of compassion that can not be found in the classroom setting.