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Daily Crime and Fire Log

Daily Crime and Fire Log

The University maintains a combined Daily Crime and Fire Log of all criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents as well as fires* that are reported to Campus Safety Services or a Campus Security Authority.

The Daily Crime and Fire Log includes the incident/fire type, date the incident/fire is reported, date and time of occurrence, and general location of each reported incident type as well as the disposition** of each incident, if this information is known.

The University posts specific incidents in the Daily Crime and Fire Log within two (2) business days of receiving a report of an incident. On occasion, there may be criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents added to the log that have occurred outside of the 2 day window. While the retroactive addition of these incidents are not timely, the inclusion of the data is recommended.

This is the most recent 60-day period data and it is open to public inspection, free of charge, upon request, during normal business hours. Any portion of the log that is older than 60 days will be made available within two business days of a request for public inspection.

All crime logs are kept for 7 years following the publication of the Annual Security Report to which they apply.

*Any fire that occurs in an on-campus student housing facility

**View the Daily Crime and Fire Log Disposition Definitions

Please note that if a date has been omitted in the log, there were no criminal incidents, alleged criminal incidents or fires reported to Campus Safety Services on that date

2025 Daily Crime and Fire Log