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Deadline for Contracts

An event, meeting, or tabling is not confirmed as approved until any relevant and required contracts are signed by SCU. All relevant and required contracts must be fully reviewed and signed by all parties at least 15 business days prior to an event or meeting date.

Signatures on Contracts

For any type of contract, the only acceptable signature from Santa Clara is the signature of the Director of the Center for Student Involvement (CSI). A few important items to note:

  • Students are not permitted to sign any contracts. If you accidentally signed a contract, contact your CSI advisor immediately to learn how to remedy the situation.
  • Faxed, photocopied, and scanned versions of signed contracts are acceptable.
  • E-signatures where individuals type in their signatures rather than use a pen to sign are not acceptable unless a reputable electronic signature software is used such as Adobe Docusign.
  • Contracts are needed even if the individual or group being invited to campus is not getting paid.

Types of Contracts

There are different types of contracts depending on who you are inviting to campus. Please contact the CSI Director to learn which contract and related documents are needed for your event or meeting.

Related Documents

If you are paying an individual or group, then related payment documents are needed. These documents include the W-9 IRS Form and Direct Deposit Form. Click below to learn more about and download each form:

If an individual or group is being contracted and is being paid, then this individual or group (also called "payee") needs to be in the Accounts Payable system. If a payee is not in the system yet, then the payee needs to complete a W-9 IRS Form. However, if a payee is already in the system, then no W-9 IRS Form is needed.

W-9 Form (PDF)

Unless otherwise requested, payments are via direct deposit to the bank account of the individual or group to be paid (payee). The payee must complete and submit a Direct Deposit Form. Payees may also request to have a check hand-delivered or mailed to them.

SCU Direct Deposit Form (PDF)

For More Information

Contact: Tedd Vanadilok