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Address Update

Address Updates

In order to ensure that your contact information is accurate and up-to-date in the SEVIS immigration record, you must maintain accurate and up-to-date contact information in Santa Clara University's Workday. This is true for current students and for alumni. For as long as you are in F-1 or J-1 status, you must maintain your contact information in Workday. Please keep in mind that you must report changes to contact information within 10 days. 

Need help with Workday? View the SCU Training Guide for Students.

Updating Your Contact Information in Workday

Here are some tips to help you update Workday correctly:

Workday Field Instruction
Permanent Address This should be the U.S. residential address where you physically reside (in other words, this is where you sleep at night)!
Foreign Address

This should be a stable address outside the U.S. (typically a family or close friend's address).

Usage Type should be marked Foreign Address.

Mobile Phone  This should be your U.S. based mobile phone.
Primary/Home Phone This should be a non-U.S. ("foreign") phone number. If you do not maintain an international phone number, this can be the phone number of a family member or friend.
Institutional Email This will be automatically populated with your email address. This is how the ISS team will reach you while you're enrolled in classes at SCU.
Primary/Home Email This should be an email address (preferably not an account) that you regularly check. This is how the ISS team will reach you after you graduate.
Work Email Your email may automatically populate as  the "Work Email" type. 

When you update your Permanent or Foreign address in Workday, ISS will automatically be updated and so will your SEVIS immigration record.

*If you have trouble logging into Workday, email or call the SCU Technology Help Desk at 408-554-5700 for assistance.

If you have trouble logging into Workday, email or call the SCU Technology Help Desk at 408-554-5700 for assistance.

Yes.  You are required to update our office of any change in address within 10 days.

Yes, you are still required to update our office of any change in address within 10 days.

You are a bronco! You’ll always have a connection to SCU, even if SCU no longer hosts your immigration status. Connect with SCU Global Engagement at

US immigration regulations are complex and change frequently. The University strives to maintain a website that is both current and helpful, however, Santa Clara University is not responsible for students maintaining lawful immigration status; this is the responsibility of the student. Further, resources and links do not constitute endorsement by Santa Clara University.