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Policy 303 - Professional Conduct

303. Professional Conduct


Santa Clara relies on employees to maintain a professional, business like manner during work hours, and on University property, or whenever representing the University. Employees may also be accountable for behavior outside of work if it has an impact on their ability to perform their responsibilities at work or the potential to cause discredit or harm to the University. Failure to adhere to Santa Clara University’s norms and standards of professional conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.


Areas of conduct covered by this policy and standards of conduct include, but are not limited to the following:

  • University Resources: Unauthorized use of long distance telephone service, courier services, postage, office supplies, and other business equipment and supplies is prohibited. Employees are expected to use discretion and good judgment in limiting occasional use of University telephones, copiers, fax machines and computers for personal, non-business use.
  • Personal Business: Employees may not conduct personal business during work hours or use University resources for personal business. Unauthorized possession, misuse, reading or copying of University documents or records or disclosure of information from such records to unauthorized persons is prohibited.
  • Professional Organizations: Employees who belong to outside professional organizations should ensure that association with the organization, its conduct or membership, does not have a negative impact on the individual’s ability to perform the duties of his or her job. Employees should take care not to represent themselves as spokespersons for the University.
  • Alcohol and Other Drugs: Being under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or illegal or controlled substances when reporting to work, while on the job, or in connection with carrying out University responsibilities is prohibited. In addition, possessing or selling illegal or controlled substances while on the job, or in connection with carrying out University responsibilities is also prohibited. This complements other University policies including those regarding the drug free workplace.
  • Dress: Employees are expected to dress in a manner appropriate to their work environment and to the type of work performed. In instances of uncertainty, the supervisor should be consulted. All employees are expected to maintain acceptable levels of grooming and personal hygiene.


It is the responsibility of all University employees to follow the procedures outlined above, other University policies regarding employee conduct, and specific departmental guidelines.


Contact Human Resources if you have questions or if you would like more information about this policy. See also Drug Free Workplace (703).

Policy Approved: October 23, 1998

Last Updated: February 7, 2018

Last Reviewed: June 30 2022

Maintainer: Human Resources

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