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Academic Technology

Camino Tips and Tricks

The following steps will help ensure your Camino courses for the upcoming term get off to a good start. Please reach out to Camino Support if you need assistance with any of these steps.

[ ] Confirm Your Courses

Log in to your Camino account and confirm that you are enrolled as a teacher in your correct course(s) for the upcoming term. Your course(s) will appear on your Camino dashboard under the Future Enrollments section AND under the Courses > All Courses page.

  • If you click on the Camino tile on the MySCU Portal and do not have an account, please reach out to Camino Support and provide your name, SCU email address, and 11-digit campus ID number.
  • If you do not see your courses on Camino, please confirm that you are enrolled as the teacher for the course on eCampus/PeopleSoft, the official system of record. If you are not on eCampus/PeopleSoft, a department administrator or scheduler will need to add you. Enrollments listed on eCampus/PeopleSoft will be imported into Camino multiple times a day.

[ ] Request Course Combinations

If you teach multiple sections of the same course, they can be combined on Camino so that you post content once for multiple sections to view. It is important that your courses are empty of assignments, files, announcements, etc. before this merge happens. Fill out this form to make your requests.

  • You can still differentiate assignments and quizzes by section if you combine your courses in Camino.
  • Fill out the course combination request form to make your requests.

[ ] Add Non-students to Your Course (e.g., Peer Educators, TAs, Librarians, etc.)

If other people (e.g., librarians, peer educators, TAs, etc.) need access to your Camino course, you can add them to your course with the appropriate roles. Depending on the role you give them, they will be able to edit, participate in, or observe your course materials. Please see this guide for more information about the different roles on Camino and what they can and cannot do.

  • Students are automatically enrolled in your Camino courses based on enrollment in eCampus/PeopleSoft, the official system of record. You cannot add students to your Camino course. The daily imports that bring students into your course will take place by 7 AM, by 11 AM, by 2 PM, and by 6 PM.
  • Every user on Camino must have SCU network access. We cannot add anyone to your course who does not already have access to the MySCU Portal.

[ ] Import Old Content

Camino allows you to import content from previous term courses into your current course. This will save you time so that you can reuse your course layout and content you’ve previously created.

  • Choose 'Select Specific Content' and then leave the Calendar Events behind. Those will bring over past Zoom links, which might confuse your future students.
  • Camino has a bulk date editor that you can use to bulk update the due dates for assignments. Use this to align your past assignments with your current due dates.
  • You can migrate Class Recordings videos.
  • If desired, make sure to migrate Class Recordings videos as they will not transfer over when importing content.
  • Want a head start? There is templated content on the Canvas Commons for the Spring 2021 quarter, including a module structure for the Spring 2021 term, example content for a syllabus page, a file upload assignment, an introductory video project, and a weekly overview module introduction page that you can use for your own Winter 2021 course.

[ ] Create New Content

Upload new files, create new assignments for students to submit, quizzes for students to take, pages for students to view, and Modules to organize all of the content on your Camino course.

  • We have added an assignment to the Canvas Commons that you can use for your students to introduce themselves via video.
  • Please see the Academic Technology workshop calendar to view the dates and sign up for workshops to help build new content.

[ ] Set up your recurring Zoom meetings and/or place your recorded lectures in your modules

Set up your recurring Zoom meetings so that they appear on your Zoom tab on Camino. This will help students find the Zoom link in a familiar location, and you can choose to automatically record your live Zoom sessions. This will automatically place your lecture recordings on your Class Recordings tab for students to access afterwards.

[ ] Publish Your Course

Publishing on Camino has multiple layers of frustration. Please see this guide for common publishing pitfalls on Camino. Make sure the assignments you want students to access are published. Make sure all of your modules are published so students can view the content they contain. Use the Student View function to see what your course will look like from the student’s perspective. This will help you locate unpublished assignments and modules. Once you are ready for students to view your course, publish it so that students can see your content and get prepared for Week 1.

[ ] Send a Welcome Message

After you publish your course, send a welcome message to your students using the Announcements feature. Your welcome message should show your enthusiasm for the course, inform your students where they should go for accessing class Zoom sessions or course content, and include your expectations for students during the first class.

If you aren't ready to publish your Camino course and you want to message your students, use the eCampus/PeopleSoft platform to get their email addresses and send a message via email.

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