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Academic Technology

Digital Student Assignments

Have them build it! Create multimedia assignments to deepen student engagement.

Many SCU faculty are successfully engaging students by using multimedia assignments that give them opportunities to express their understanding through digital work. Using accessible tools allows students to interact with course content in new ways, often promoting collaborative learning and broadening the audience for students’ ideas.

While students gain expertise in the tools with the support of the Instructional Technology Resource Specialists, faculty can focus on assignment development and assessment.

  • Discussion forums to promote active learning through reflection, collaboration, and engagement, increase participation, create a learning community, and assess student understanding

  • Blogs/Wikis to promote collaborative learning, broaden the audience for students’ ideas, and introduce students to 21st-century writing platforms

  • Camino tools for uploading rich media

  • Google Docs to support collaborative projects & share content

  • Digital Stories to deepen student connection to content, encourage student creativity, teach succinct writing, and connect students to real-life, relevant issues

  • Websites to demonstrate student learning, displaying a variety of student artifacts, including rich text, images, audio, and video

  • Twitter, Tweetdeck to share and mine real-time information on any subject from all over the globe

  • Use response systems/polling software to check for understanding and enliven in-class discussions

  • Assessing student work with ePortfolios in Digication

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Technology at SCU

Faculty Collaborative for Teaching Innovation

Digital Resources for Teaching

Information Technology

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