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Online/Blended Learning Resources

Faculty Support for Online Courses

Santa Clara University focuses on delivering high-quality learning experiences by supporting faculty who design online courses for the undergraduate summer session and graduate online master's degree programs. This support takes place in the Course Redesign Seminar (CRS), a combination of formal teaching sessions, informal consulting, community events, and peer engagement.

Our Online/Blended Learning Specialist, Dr. Jeremy Kemp, works with faculty to leverage evidence-based pedagogical methods and principles of Ignatian pedagogy to design, develop, implement, and assess online programs and courses. Additional partners in the CRS are the Instructional Designers and Instructional Technology Resource Specialists, Librarians, Media Systems Specialists, and graphic production professionals. These resources support the design of fully online classes as well as online supplements for face-to-face courses.

Faculty often tell us they adopt many of the online pedagogical approaches and tools into their face-to-face courses.

Course Redesign Seminar (CRS)

All faculty teaching online courses for summer session are asked to take part in the course redesign seminar and receive a stipend for doing so. Multiple sessions are scheduled throughout the year.

2023 Winter CRS: Runs the week of January 16th through the week ending March 24th. All materials due by March 24th.
2023 Spring CRS: Runs the week of April 10th through the week ending June 16th. All materials due by June 16th.

The seminar is divided into two parts. For 6 weeks, faculty will work online, participate in discussions, and attend weekly mentoring sessions. Online activities include content presentations, group and pair exercises, faculty presentations as they prepare courses, directed discussions, and peer assessment of materials from course designs that faculty want to share.

Faculty work independently with active mentoring from the Online/Blended Learning Specialist, a librarian, and the Instructional Technology Resource Specialists. Weekly mentoring sessions are conducted remotely via Zoom web conferencing.

Faculty devote the remaining weeks to finishing their course content.

Course Refresh Workshop

The Course Refresh Workshop helps faculty revise Summer online courses while working together with peers in a supportive setting. Returning faculty who have received training in the Course Redesign Seminar and taught Summer online are encouraged to attend sessions in Winter and Spring quarters. The sessions provide dedicated time to work through exercises and walkthroughs on the newest tools and techniques for online instruction. Workshops follow a theme such as Video for Teaching and Continuous Improvement and take place in 5 weekly two-hour sessions.
2023 Winter Refresh Workshop: Starts on the week of January 23rd through the week ending February 24th.
2023 Spring Refresh Workshop: Starts on the week of April 17th through the week ending May 19th.

For more information on either the Course Redesign Seminar or the Course Refresh Workshop, please contact Jeremy Kemp, (408) 551-1842.

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