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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University
Department ofAccounting

News Stories

Faculty Research Workshops (2019-2020)

The Accounting Department continues to host research workshops as part of our commitment to support faculty research. We invite nationally and internationally recognized scholars to present their research works at Santa Clara University. These workshops provide opportunities for SCU faculty to interact with leading-edge scholars in the field and to present their own early-stage research to solicit valuable feedback. Below is the list of research workshops during 2019-2020.

DateWorkshop Topic

Kevin Li - Assistant Professor, University of California Riverside

‘À la Carte’ versus ‘Prix Fixe’ Regulation: Evidence from Investors’ and Managers’ Reactions to Post-IPO Provisions in the JOBS Act


Mathew Cedergren - Assistant Professor, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Sifting Through Earnings Per Share Distortion


Biyu Wu – Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Do IPO Firms Misclassify Expenses? Implications for IPO Price Formation and Post-IPO Stock Performance


Zach Zhiguang Wang - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Benchmarked Voluntary Disclosure of Key Operating Metrics: Evidence from Internet Firms


Peter Easton Director of the Center for Accounting Research and Education, Notre Dame Alumni Professor of Accountancy

We Cannot Reject the Null that Earnings Follow a Random Walk


Jinhwan Kim – Assistant Professor, Sanford University

Informing Entrepreneurs: Public Corporate Disclosure and New Business Formation