Introducing New Faculty Members
The Accounting Department welcomes two new tenure-track faculty members, Amanda Badger and Hyungshin Park, to the accounting family. Both of them will begin teaching undergraduate accounting courses in 2017-18.
Amanda Badger
Amanda Badger is earning her doctorate from the University of Rochester. Prior to that, she attended Sierra Nevada College and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S.B.A. in entrepreneurship and global business.
Amanda’s scholarship focuses on the pricing of earnings information and the economic determinants and consequences of voluntary disclosure. In her doctoral dissertation, she examines how changes over time in the properties of earnings affect the market's ability to anticipate future earnings. Amanda also works on several interesting research projects, one of which investigates whether attending invitation only broker-hosted conferences better enables investors to predict future earnings.
Amanda’s primary teaching interest at Santa Clara in financial accounting. Her prior teaching experience includes lab instructor for corporate financial accounting and teaching assistant for MBA and undergraduate students at the University of Rochester.
Amanda is originally from the East Bay. She lived in Western New York for the last five years while completing her PhD. Amanda moved to Santa Clara this summer with her husband, Brett. In her free time Amanda enjoys cooking, traveling, and spending time with her family.
Dr. Hyungshin Park
Dr. Hyungshin Park joins Santa Clara from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, where he spent the last several years as an Assistant Professor of Accounting. Hyungshin earned both his Ph.D. and Master's in Accounting from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and his B.S. in Electronic Engineering from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. He worked at KPMG in Atlanta and Hong Kong for a few years. He currently holds a CPA license in Texas.
Hyungshin has diverse research interests. His scholarship has examined topics such as measurement error and bias in analysts’ forecasts, rational pricing of earnings management, and executive compensation and risk taking. In a recently published article in the Journal of Accounting and Research, he finds evidence that the use of relative performance evaluation in CEOs’ incentive contracts influences the effect of risk-taking incentives on both the magnitude and composition of firm risk.
Hyungshin has taught introductory financial accounting and cost accounting at the undergraduate level at Southern Methodist University. His primary teaching responsibility at Santa Clara is managerial accounting. With his engineering background, Hyungshin is interested in developing courses in information systems in the future.
Hyungshin moved to Santa Clara this summer. In his free time, Hyungshin enjoys watching and playing tennis matches and likes to go hiking.
A full faculty listing can be found here.