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Logo of de Saisset Museum featuring a stylized

Connect with Public Programs

The de Saisset Museum presents a variety of education and public programs each academic quarter. Programs ranging from lectures to panel discussions to hands-on workshops create ample opportunity for students, faculty, and community to get involved with—and learn about—the arts.

Visitors listening to a panel discussion at the de Saisset Museum.

Panel discussions at the de Saisset Museum are generally open to faculty, students, and the local community.

Enhancing Learning through Public Programs

Require Attendance or Offer Extra Credit

Incentivize students to attend programs that connect with the curriculum in your class by requiring attendance or offering extra credit. With advanced notice the museum can provide an attendance sign-in sheet.

Assign a Reflection Paper

Ask students to attend a public program and reflect on the experience through a paper, a creative writing assignment, journal entry, or other creative project.

Propose a Program

The de Saisset Museum welcomes the opportunity to create partnerships and collaborations. Suggest a public program that relates to our exhibitions, collection, or mission.