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Faculty Research

Marco Bravo, Ph.D.

Bravo, M. (2016). Cultivating teacher knowledge of the role of language in science: A model of elementary grade pre-service teacher preparation (pp. 25-40). In A. W. Oliveira & M. H. Weinburgh (Eds) Science Teacher Preparation in Content Based Second Language Acquisition. NY Springer.

Mosqueda, E., Bravo, M. A. & Solís, J. L., Maldonado, S. & De La Rosa, J. (In Press).  

Assessing Latina/os’ Mathematical Understanding, Academic Language and English Language Proficiency. Bilingual Review Journal.

Bravo, M. A. (In Press). Cultivating Teacher Knowledge of the Role of Language in Science: A Model of Elementary Grade Preservice Teacher Preparation. In A. Oliveira & M. Weinburgh Teacher Preparation in Content-Based Second Language Acquisition NY: Springer.

Bravo, M. A. (In Press). Situating the English Language Arts Common Core Standards in Science: Enhancing Access to Language for Emergent Bilinguals. In P. Proctor, A. Boardman & E. H. Hiebert (Eds.), English Learners & Emergent Bilingualism in the Common Core Era NY: Guilford Press.

Bravo, M. A. (In Press). Open-Ended Vocabulary Assessment. TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching.

Cervetti, G. N., Kulikowich, J. M. & Bravo, M. A. (2015). The Effects of Educative Curriculum Materials on Teachers’ Use of Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners in Science and on Student Learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology 40, 86-98.

David Feldman, Ph.D.

Feldman, D. B., & Kubota, M. (2012). Hope: Psychological perspectives on a spiritual virtue. In T. G. Plante (Ed.), Religion, Spirituality, and Positive Psychology: Understanding the Psychological Fruits of Faith (pp. 49-62). Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

Feldman, D. B. (2011). Posttraumatic stress disorder at the end of life: Extant research and proposed psychosocial treatment approach. Palliative and Supportive Care, 9, 407-418.

Feldman, D. B., & Lasher, S. A., Jr. (2008). The end-of-life handbook: A compassionate guide to connecting with and caring for a dying loved one. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

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Feldman, D. B., & Crandall, C. S. (2007). The dimensions of mental illness stigma: What about mental illness causes social rejection? Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 26, 137-154.

McNichols, K. Z., & Feldman, D. B. (2007). Spirituality at the end of life: Issues and guidelines for care. In T. G. Plante & C. E. Thoresen (Eds.), Spirit, science and health: How the spiritual mind fuels the body. Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood.

Feldman, D. B., & Snyder, C. R. (2005). Hope and the meaningful life: Theoretical and empirical associations between goal-directed thinking and life meaning. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 24, 401-421.

Feldman, D. B. (in press). The meaning of hope and vice versa: Goal-directed thinking and the construction of a meaningful life. In J. Hicks & C. Routledge (Ed.), The experience of meaning in life: Perspectives from the psychological sciences. New York: Springer.

Pedro Hernández-Ramos, Ph.D.

Bachen, C. M., Hernández-Ramos, P. F., Raphael, C. (2016). How Do Presence, Flow, and Character Identification Affect Players’ Empathy and Interest in Learning from a Serious Computer Game? Computers in Human Behavior 64, 77-87

Bachen, C., Hernandez-Ramos, P., Raphael, C., & Waldron, A. (2016). Modeling the effects of presence, flow, and character identification on players’ empathy and interest in learning from a serious computer game. Games+Learning+Society Conference. Madison, WI.

Raphael, C., Bachen, C. M., & Hernández-Ramos, P. F. (2012). Flow and cooperative learning in civic game play. New Media & Society, 14(8), 1321-1338.

Bachen, C. M., Hernández-Ramos, P. F., & Raphael, C. (2012). Simulating REAL LIVES: Promoting global empathy and interest in learning through simulation games. Simulation & Gaming, 43(4), 437-460.

Hernandez-Ramos, P., & De La Paz, S. (2009). Learning History in Middle School by Designing Multimedia in a Project-Based Learning Experience. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(2), 151-173.

Hernández-Ramos, P. F. (2007). Aim, shoot, ready! Future teachers learn to ‘do’ video. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38, 33–41.

Harold Jules Hoyle, Ph.D. and Steve Johnson

Hoyle, Harold J., & Johnson, Steve. Alternatives to the Paper Chase: Teaching Special Education Students in Court and Community School Programs. Journal of Juvenile Court, Community, and Alternative School Administrators of California (n.d.)

Dale G. Larson, Ph.D.

Larson, D. G. (2020). The Helper's Journey: Empathy, Compassion, and the Challenge of Caring, Second Edition. Research Press Co. 

Larson - Helper's Journey

Masuda, A., Tully, E. C., Drake, C. E., Tarantino, N., Ames, A. M., & Larson, D. G. (2017). Examining self-concealment within the framework of psychological inflexibility and mindfulness: A preliminary cross-sectional investigation.   Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 36 (1), 184-191.

Larson, D. G., & Chastain, R. L. (2016). Self-Concealment Scale (SCS).  In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of personality and individual differences. New York, NY: Springer. 

Larson, D. G., Chastain, R. L., Hoyt, W. T., & Ayzenberg, R. (2015). Self-concealment: Integrative review and working model. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 34(8), 705-729.

Larson, D. G. (2015).  Person-Centered Grief CounselingPart 2.  Sage Video Counseling and Therapy Collection.  Richmond, VA: Urquhart Publishing.

Larson, D. G. (2015).  Person-Centered Grief CounselingPart 1.  Sage Video Counseling and Therapy Collection.  Richmond, VA: Urquhart Publishing.

Larson, D. G. (March/April, 2014). Getting grief working: A guide for the new grief therapist. New Therapist, 25-29.

Larson, D. G. (2013). A person-centred approach to grief counseling. In M. Cooper, M. OHara, P. F. Schmid, & A. Bohart (Eds.), The handbook of person-centred psychotherapy and counseling (2nd ed., pp. 313-326). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Larson, D. G. (2013).  Taking stock: Past contributions and current thinking on death, dying, and grief.  Death Studies. 38, (5), 349-352.

Hoyt, W. T., & Larson, D. G. (2010).  What have we learned from research on grief counseling? Response to Schut and Neimeyer.  Bereavement Care, 29, 10-13.

Larson, D. G., & Hoyt, W. T.  (2009).  Grief counseling efficacy: What have we learned?   Bereavement Care, 28 (3), 14-19.

Hoyt, W. T., & Larson, D. G.  (2008). A realistic approach to drawing conclusions from the scientific literature: Response to Bonanno and Lilienfeld (2007).  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39, 378-379.

Larson, D. G., & Hoyt, W. T. (2007). What has become of grief counseling: An evaluation of the empirical foundations of the new pessimism. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 38, 347-355.

Larson, D. G., & Hoyt, W. T. (2007). The bright side of grief counseling: Deconstructing the new pessimism. In K. J. Doka (Ed.), Living with grief: Before and after the death (pp. 157-174). Washington, DC: Hospice Foundation of America.

Haley, W. E., Larson, D. G., Kasl-Godley, J., Neimeyer, R., & Kwilosz, D. (2003). Clinical roles for psychologists in end-of-life care: Emerging models of practice. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 34 (6), 626-633.

Connor, S. R., Egan, K., Kwilosz, D., Larson, D. G., & Reese, D. (2002). Interdisciplinary approaches to assisting with end-of-life care and decision making. American Behavioral Scientist, 46, 340-356.

Larson, D. G. (1993). The helper's journey: Working with people facing grief, loss, and life-threatening Illness. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Larson, D. G. (1993). Self-concealment: Implications for stress and empathy in oncology care. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 11, 1-16.

Larson, D. G. (Ed.). (1984). Teaching psychological skills: Models for giving psychology away. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Jasmin Llamas, Ph.D.

Llamas, J. (2016). Mentoring Needs of Early Career Latina/o Faculty. Presented at a symposium on Ecological Cultural Systems of the Academy and Latino/a Faculty at the 2016 National Latina/o Psychological Association. Orlando, FL.

Llamas, J., Piña-Watson, B., (2016). A Latent Profile Analysis of Traditional Gender Values Among Mexican Descent Adolescents and Links to Life Satisfaction. Paper presented at the 2016 National Latina/o Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.

Morgan Consoli, M., Llamas, J. D., Consoli, A. (2016). What’s values got to do with it? Thriving among Mexican American college students. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 44(1), 49-64

Piña-Watson, B., Llamas, J. D., & Stevens, A. (2015). Attempting to successfully straddle the cultural divide: Hopelessness model of mental health and caregiver connection for Mexican descent adolescents. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 62(4), 670-681.

Cheryl Bowen (McElvain), Ed.D.

McElvain, C. & Smith, H. (2016). Curiosité: Inquiry-based instruction and bilingual learning. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 5(2), 63-75.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

McElvain, C. & Smith, H. (2016, In Review). Curiosité: Inquiry-based instruction and bilingual learning. AERA Open.

McElvain, C. (2016). Los libros abecedario: Learning from the inside out. Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table.

McElvain, C. (2015). The bridge project: Connecting home, school, and community for Mexican immigrant youth. The Journal of Latinos and Education, 14(3), 153-170. doi:10.1080/15348431.2014.973568

McElvain, C. (2010). Transactional literature circles and the reading comprehension of at-risk English learners in the mainstream classroom. Journal of Research In Reading, 33 (2), 178-205.

Conference papers

McElvain, C. (2014, July). The Glen Project: A study of resilience and hope. Abstract contributed to the proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, DIV05-OC06005.

Invited presentations

McElvain, C. (2015, January). The Glen Research Project Final Report: Year 2. Glenview Elementary Taskforce presentation.

McElvain, C. (2014, July). The Glen Project: A study of resilience and hope. Oral presentation in the Education and School Psychology Category presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

McElvain, C. (2014, May). The Glen Research Project Final Report: Year 1. Gilroy Unified School District Board Presentation.

McElvain, C. (2014, March). Bridging the digital divide for California first-generation Mexican immigrants. Panel #4 presentation Overcoming Divides to Achieve Educational Equity presented at the 2014 Mazatlán Forum. Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.


McElvain, Cheryl M. (2009). English Language Learners Reading in the Transactional Learning Community. In Judith Lynne McConnell-Farmer (Ed.), The Education of Young Children: Research and Public Policy. Urbana, IL: Linton Atlantic Books, Ltd.

Robert L. Michels, M.A.

Michels, Robert L. (2004). Characteristics of Successful Alternative School Programs in the United States.

Horizons in Education (2004), Warsaw, Poland.

Teri Quatman, Ph.D.

Quatman, T. (2020). Accessing the Clinical Genius of Winnicott: A Careful Rendering of Winnicott's Twelve Most Influential Clinical Papers, 1st Edition. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Quatman, T. (2015). Essential Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: An Acquired Art, 1st Edition. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Quatman - EPP

Quatman, T. and Swanson, C. (2002). Academic self-disclosure in adolescence. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs. 128(1), 47-75.

Quatman, T., Sokolik, E., and Smith, K. (2000). Adolescent perception of peer success: A gendered perspective over time. Sex Roles, 43 (1/2), 61-84.

Quatman, T. (1997). High Functioning Families: Developing a Prototype. Family Therapy, 24 (3): 143-165.

Teri Quatman, Ph.D. and Cary Watson Ph.D.

Watson, C., Quatman, T., and Edler, E. (2002). Career aspirations of high-achieving adolescent girls: Effects of achievement level, grade, and single-sex school environment. Sex Roles, 46, 317-329.

Quatman, T. & Watson, C.M. (2001). Gender differences in adolescent self-esteem: An exploration of domains. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 162(1), 93-117.

Quatman, T., Sampson, K., Robinson, C., and Watson, C.M. (2001). Academic, motivational and emotional correlates of adolescent dating. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 127 (2), 211-234.

Lucila Ramos-Sánchez, Ph.D.

Ramos-Sánchez, L. and Atkinson, D. R. (2009), The Relationships Between Mexican American Acculturation, Cultural Values, Gender, and Help-Seeking Intentions. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87: 62–71. doi: 10.1002/j.1556-6678.2009.tb00550.x

Kieran T. Sullivan, Lucila Ramos‐Sánchez, and Stephanie D. McIver. (2007). Predicting the Use of Campus Counseling Services for Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino/Hispanic, and White Students: Problem Severity, Gender, and Generational Status. Journal of College Counseling. doi:10.1002/j.2161-1882.2007.tb00011.x Ramos-Sánchez, L. (2007), Language Switching and Mexican Americans' Emotional Expression. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 35: 154–168. doi: 10.1002/j.2161-1912.2007.tb00057.x

Ramos-Sánchez, L. and Nichols, L. (2007), Self-Efficacy of First-Generation and Non-First-Generation College Students: The Relationship With Academic Performance and College Adjustment. Journal of College Counseling, 10: 6–18. doi: 10.1002/j.2161-1882.2007.tb00002.x

Jerrold Lee Shapiro, Ph.D.

Shapiro, J.L. (2016). Pragmatic Existential Counseling and Psychology: Intimacy, Intuition, and the Search for Meaning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Shapiro, J.L. (2013) Boomer’s Resolutions. Huffington Post. 1/4/13

Shapiro, J.L. (2012). Finding Meaning, Facing Fears in the Autumn of Your Years (ages 45-65). Atascadero, CA: Impact Publishers.

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Shapiro, J.L. (2011). Flashback trauma intervention and the Hawaiian prison softball community. In Morgan, R.F., Trauma psychology in context: International vignettes and applications from a lifespan clinical community psychology perspective. Morgan Foundation Publishers.

Shapiro, J.L. (2011). Brief Group Therapy. In Conyne, R. K. (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Group Counseling. New York: Oxford Publishing.

Shapiro, J.L. (2008). Using Metaphors and Stories to Resolve Impasses and Bridge Resistance. In S.S. Fehr (Ed.), 101 Interventions in Group Therapy. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press p. 437-442.

Shapiro, J.L. (2008) Using Primary Language to Access Primary Affect. In S.S. Fehr, 101 Interventions in Group Therapy. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press p. 11-14.

Shapiro, J.L. (2008) Loss of a Legacy: a curmudgeon’s perspective. The Group Psychologist 18(3), 42-46.

Shapiro, J.L. (2006) Turning Negatives Into Positives in Couples Therapy. Review of If Only I Had Known...: Avoiding Common Mistakes in Couples Therapy. Gerald R. Weeks, Mark Odell, and Susanne Methven. New York: Norton, 2005. PsycCRITIQUES,- Contemporary Psychology, 51 (12). #6.

Shapiro, Jerrold L. (2005). Degrees of difficulty, A review of the video Treating Difficult Couples with Douglas K. Snyder Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2005. American Psychological Association Psychotherapy Videotape PsycCRITIQUES September 14, 2005 Vol. 50, No. 37, Article 14.

Honos-Webb, L., Sunwolf, & Shapiro, J.L. (2001). Toward the re-enchantment of psychotherapy: Stories as container. The Humanistic Psychologist, 29, 72-97.

Shapiro, J.L. (1993). The Measure of a Man: Becoming the Father You Wish Your Father Had Been. New York: Delacorte.

The Measure of a Man: A Spiritual Autobiography by Sidney Poitier book cover.

Scheflin, A. W. & Shapiro, J.L. (1989). Trance on Trial. Guilford. New York. Winner of 1991 Manfred Guttmacher Award from American Psychiatric Association.

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Shapiro, J.L. (1988). Wenn Maenner Schwanger Sind: Aengste, Sorgen und Beduerfnisse Werdender Vater. Munich, Germany: MVG Verlag.

Shapiro, J.L. (1987). When Men are Pregnant: Fears and Concerns of Expectant Fathers. San Luis Obispo, CA: Impact Publishers.

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Ayabe, H. I. & Shapiro, J. L. (1986). Classic Readings in Educational Psychology. Boston, MA: Ginn.

Shapiro, J.L. (1978). Methods of Group Psychotherapy and Encounter: A Tradition of Innovation. Itasca, IL: Peacock Publishing.

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Shauna Shapiro, Ph.D.

Shapiro, S. L. (2020). Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness and Self - Compassion Practices to Rewire Your Brain for Calm, Clarity, and Joy. Sounds True. 

S. Shapiro - Good Morning

Shapiro, S. L. & Jazaieri, H. (2016). Meditation. In V. Zeigler-Hill and T. Shackelfrod (Eds), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer.

Aikins K & Shapiro, SL (2016). The Concept of Mindfulness in IPM” to Integrative Preventative Medicine Manuscript submitted to Integrative Preventive Medicine. Edited by Richard Carmona and Mark Liponis. Oxford University Press. 

Jazaieri, H., & Shapiro, S. L. (2016). Mindfulness and Well-being. In M. Robinson & M. Eid (Eds.) The Happy Mind: Cognitive Contributions to Well-Being. Springer.  

Shapiro, S., Rechtschaffen, D., & de Sousa, S. (2016). Mindfulness training for teachers. In K.A. Schonert-Reichl & R.W. Roeser (Eds.), Handbook of mindfulness in education. New York, NY: Springer.

Shapiro, S. L., De Sousa, S., & Jazaieri, H. (2016). Mindfulness, Mental Health, and Positive Psychology. In I. Ivtzan (Ed.), Mindfulness in Positive Psychology: The Science of Meditation and Wellbeing. London: Routledge. ISBN: 978-1138808515.

Shapiro, S., de Sousa, S., & Hauck, C. (2016). Mindfulness in Positive Clinical Psychology. In A. M. Wood & J. Johnson (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Positive Clinical Psychology: An Integrative Approach to Studying and Improving Well-Being (pp. 381-395). Chichester, England: 

Shauna Shapiro, Chris White (2014). Mindful Discipline: A Loving Approach to Setting Limits and Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

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Shapiro, S. L., Brown, K., Astin, J. (2011). Toward the integration of meditation into education: A Review of the research. Teachers College Record, 3, 493-528.

Shapiro, S. L. & Carlson, L. E. (2009). The art and science of mindfulness: Integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions. American Psychology Press, Washington, D.C.

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Oman, D., Shapiro, S. L., Thoresen, C. E., Plante, T. G., & Flinders, T. (2008). Meditation lowers stress and supports forgiveness among college students: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of American College Health, 56, 569-578.

Wallace, A., & Shapiro S. L. (2006). Mental balance and well being: Building bridges between Buddhism and Western Psychology. American Psychologist, 61(7), 690-701.

Kathy Stoehr, Ph.D.

Stoehr, K., Patel, P. (2018). Meaningful mathematical discussions that matter. In S. Crespo, S. Celedon Pattichis and M. Civil (Eds). Access and Equity: Promoting High-Quality Mathematics, Grades 3-5. (pp.99–113). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM).

Stoehr, K. (2017a). Mathematics anxiety: One size does not fit all. Journal of Teacher Education, 68(1), 69–84. DOI: 10.1177/0022487116676316

Stoehr, K. (2017b). Building the wall brick by brick: One woman prospective teacher's experiences with mathematics anxiety. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 20, 119–139. DOI 10.1007/s10857-015-9322-y.

Stoehr, K., Carter, K., Sugimoto, A. (2017). Stories and statistics: A mixed picture of gender equity in mathematics. In V. Ross, E. Chan and D. Keyes (Eds). Crossroads of the Classroom (pp.39–58). London, England: Emerald Publishing.

Stoehr, K., Liston, J. (2017). Tessellation art. Teaching Children Mathematics, 23(8), p.512.

Sugimoto, A., Turner, E., & Stoehr, K. ​(2017). A case study of dilemmas encountered when connecting middle school mathematics instruction to relevant real world examples. Middle Grades Research Journal, 11(2).

Sugimoto, A., Carter K., & Stoehr, K. (2017) Teaching “in their best interests:” Pre-service teachers’ narratives regarding English Learners. Teaching and Teacher Education, 67, 179–188.

Turner, E., Sugimoto, A., Stoehr, K., Kurz, E. (2016). Creating inequalities from real-world experiences. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 22(4), 236–240.

Turner, E., Foote, M., Stoehr, K., McDuffie, A., Aquirre, J., Bartell, T., Drake, C. (2016). Learning to leverage students’ multiple mathematical knowledge bases in mathematics instruction. Journal of Urban Mathematics, 9(1), 48–78.

Sherry Wang, Ph.D.

Wang, S. C., Plano Clark, V. L., & Scheel, M. J. (2016). The Enculturation Experience of Three Chinese American Adolescents: A Multiple Case Study. The Counseling Psychologist, 44, 661-694. doi:10.1177/0011000016633875