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Immigration Attorney List

All resources listed are for informational purposes only and do not constitute endorsement by Global Engagement or Santa Clara University.

Wolfsdorf Rosenthal LLP

Phone: 310-570-4088


Evan Gordon - F1 students, including post completion OPT and STEM OPT; J-1 students and scholars, including 212(e) waivers and advisory opinions 


  • Complete the online questionnaire (or email / call) to schedule a consultation with an attorney.
  • Clearly indicate that you are a Santa Clara University affiliate.
  • Consultations cost $275, which can be applied to legal fees if you retain the firm to take action on your behalf.
  • Initial consultations last approximately 45 minutes.
  • You have the opportunity to submit relevant documentation via email before the consultation.

Murthy Law Firm

Phone: 410-356-5440


Anna Stepanova F-1 students, including post-completion OPT and STEM OPT

Khorzad MehtaJ-1 students and scholars, including 212(e) waivers and advisory opinions

  • Call or email to schedule a consultation.
  • Indicate the specific attorney you wish to speak with based on your status.
  • Consultations cost $200, which can be applied to legal fees if you retain the firm to take action on your behalf.
  • Initial consultations last approximately 20 minutes.
  • You have the opportunity to submit relevant documentation before the consultation.

David Ware, Attorney at law

Ware | Immigration

Phone: (504) 830 5900


  • Email to schedule a consultation. Provide a general outline of your situation and your questions in the email.
  • Consultations cost approximately $200
  • Consultations last approximately 45 minutes.
  • You have the opportunity to submit relevant documentation before the consultation.


Tafapolsky & Smith LLP

US Office locations: San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles, CA

International Office locations: London and Singapore

Website: Home | Tafapolsky & Smith LLP (

Phone: 415-975-9800


  • Email to schedule a consultation. Indicate in Subject line: *SCU Consultation Request* Indicate in email your primary interest/matter to address on the call and T&S will match you with the appropriate attorney.
  • Consultations cost $200, which can be applied to legal fees if the student retains T&S for services. Payment must be received prior to the scheduled call.
  • Initial consultations last approximately 30-45 minutes.
  • You will have the opportunity to submit relevant documentation/information prior to the consultation.