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ISS Policy Appeals

The presumption at Santa Clara University is that the student is responsible for adhering to deadlines and procedures set forth by the University to support both immigration compliance and academic success. International Students and Scholars is responsible for the University’s compliance with the Departments of Homeland Security and State. Student requests will be evaluated within this context.

A student may appeal a policy under the following circumstances:

  1. S/he believes that policy has been applied in error, or
  2. in the case of extraordinary circumstances, normally beyond the student’s control.

The student may follow the appeals process as follows:

  1. The appeal must be submitted in writing to
  2. The student should communicate with the Director of International Students and Scholars to initiate the appeal process within an appropriate timeframe.
  3. In the appeal the student should include a written explanation of the concern and copies of all relevant communication and documentation.
  4. The Director of International Students and Scholars may consult with the Global Engagement Committee regarding the appeal but will be responsible for the decision.
  5. The student may request that the Director of International Students and Scholars present his/her appeal to the Associate Provost who is responsible for International Programs to review. The Associate Provost will review the appeal, and determine a final resolution. The decision of the Associate Provost is final.