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NameCoach is a tool to help instructors and students learn how to pronounce the names of everyone in their classes.

We have integrated NameCoach with Camino (SCU's branded instance of Canvas). NameCoach lets you record the pronunciation of your own name and then listen to the recordings from others in your class as often as necessary to feel confident that you are addressing your professors and your peers correctly. Making an effort to learn everyone’s names helps build a sense of community in your classes.

Regardless of whether or not you think your own name is hard to pronounce (others might not agree), please follow these steps and make a recording of your name. It takes only a few seconds. NameCoach automatically appears on the left navigation bar of all of your Camino courses.

To record your name pronunciation

  1. In Camino, navigate to “Account” and then select “NameCoach Recorder.”

    Camino account drop down menu
  2. Click “Record Name.”

  3. You can record directly into NameCoach by selecting “Web Recorder,” or select “Phone” to receive a phone call to record your name. Either option is really easy and takes only a few seconds. If you record via the Web Recorder, we recommend using your computer’s microphone, as there are issues with bluetooth headphone microphones.

  4. Click “Submit,” and you are all done! Your recording is automatically available in NameCoach for all of your classes. You can rerecord at any time.

To view others’ name pronunciations in your course

  1. Click on “NameCoach” on the left navigation bar of your Camino course.

    Camino Navigation screen shot to show NameCoach
  2. Your professor’s name and your peers’ names are listed with a Play Button icon ( “Play Button”) next to the name of everyone who has recorded their name pronunciation.

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact the Instructional Technology team at

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