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Julie Hanlon Rubio
Associate Dean / Professor of Christian Social Ethics

Julie Hanlon Rubio is the Shea-Heusaman Professor of Christian Social Ethics and Associate Dean at Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley, California. Before coming to JST, she taught in the department of theological studies at St. Louis University for nearly two decades. Her research focuses on family, feminism, sex, and politics. She is the author of four books, including the award winning Hope for Common Ground: Mediating the Personal and the Political in a Divided Church (Georgetown, 2016) and Family Ethics: Practices for Christians (Georgetown, 2010), and she has co-edited two volumes of essays. She has published in a variety of academic journals, including Theological Studies, Horizons, the Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, and the Journal of Political Theology. She serves on the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops' National Review Board and on the board of the Journal of Catholic Social Thought. She speaks in a wide variety of public forums and writes for popular venues such as America magazine,, The Conversation,  and National Catholic Reporter. Along with Paul Schutz, she was a principal investigator for the grant funded study,  Beyond Bad Apples: Understanding Clergy Perpetrated Sexual Abuse as a Structural Problem and Cultivating Strategies for Change.” Her new book, Can You Be a Catholic and a Feminist? will be published by Oxford University Press in 2024.

  • Catholic Social Thought
  • Fundamental Moral Theology
  • Feminist Theology and Ethics
  • Ethics of Social Reconciliation
  • Family Ethics
  • “Commentary on Familiaris Consortio,” in Modern Catholic Family Teaching: Commentaries and Interpretations, eds. Jacob Kohlhaas and Mary Doyle Roche (Georgetown University Press, 2024).
  • “The Synod and After- The Conversation Continues,” The Tablet, Nov. 18, 2023.
  • “Learning to Argue Well,” with M. Cathleen Kaveny, C21 Resources, Fall 2023.
  • "The Conscience of a Catholic Feminist,” in Conscience and Catholic Education, eds., Kevin C. Baxter & David E. DeCosse (Orbis, 2022, 198-212.
  • “Challenges of a Culture of Encounter: What Cardinal Bernadin Can Teach Us,” Berkeley Forum, November 30, 2021.
  • “Consent, Sex, Gender, and Power,” in The Human in a Dehumanizing World, The Annual Publication of College Theology Society 67, 2021, 112-115.
  • “Park Church,” National Catholic Reporter, March 11, 2021.
  • Sex, Love, and Families: Catholic Perspectives, eds. Julie Hanlon Rubio and Jason King, Liturgical Press, 2020.
  • "Masculinity and Sexual Abuse in the Church," Concilium, 2020, 118-127.
  • "Theology of Family Today: Contemporary Struggles and Future Promise," Irish   Theological Quarterly 85.3, 2020, 1-18.
(510) 549-5000
Office hours by appointment, room 220C and 304.
Curriculum vitae