Welcome to JST's Office of the Registrar!
Current Students: We can assist you with registration, your academic records, and completing all of the necessary requirements for your program. You will find in the accordion menu below the answers to most of your questions about such things. Please contact the registrar directly, Jim Oberhausen, if you cannot find the answer here.
Faculty: Here are some tips and reminders about registration, grading, and making changes to the courses listed in the course schedule.
Students enrolled at JST may take courses at any of the 8 GTU member schools and its many centers and affiliates.
- GTU Course Schedule
- GTU allows cross-registration with UC Berkeley and several other Bay Area schools. Follow this link for more information.
- JST has a cross-registration agreement with Santa Clara University (SCU) available to JST students only. Tuition for the course, payable to Santa Clara, will be in addition to the in-house JST tuition. Please contact the registrar for more information.
- Registration and Student Planning: Click here for information on how to register, make changes to your enrollment, check your grades and determine what requirements you still need to complete your degree.
- Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
- Master of Arts (M.A.)
- Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
- Master of Theology (Th.M.)
- Combined Master of Divinity and Master of Arts (M.Div./M.A.)
- Bachelor of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.)
- Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.)
- Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)
- Submissions Guidelines for all Master's Theses and Doctoral Dissertations (STD, STL, ThM, and MA)
For JST Degree Students:
- Change of Enrollment
- Petition to Take an Incomplete
- Special Reading Course 8888 - Upgrade Form
- Special Reading Course (9999) - Independent Study
- Petition to Transfer Coursework
- Non-Degree Program (For previous JST Non-Degree Program)
- UCB Cross Reg Application
- MDiv Program Worksheet
- FE-2151 Field Education Practicum
- MDiv Comps/Oral Completion Form (forthcoming)
- MDiv Comps Board Questionnaire (forthcoming)
- STL Program Worksheet
- STL Language Petition (Modern/Biblical)
- STL Latin Petition
- STL Thesis Proposal
- STL Oral Defense
- STL Grade Report
- STL Thesis Equivalence Confirmation
- Forms related to submission of thesis to SCU and GTU libraries
- STL Research Practicum Memorandum of Understanding
- STL Petition for Concurrent Degree Program
- Petition for Award of STL
- STD Program Worksheet
- STD Research Readiness Assessment
- STD Language Petition
- STD Comphrehensive Exam Grade Report
- STD Dissertation Proposal Form
- STD Oral Defense Grade Report
- Forms related to submission of thesis to SCU and GTU libraries
- STD Research Practicum Memorandum of Understanding
- Petition to Graduate
- Graduation Logistics
- Change of Address Form for Current Students
- JST Transcript Request Form (PDF)
For GTU MA students:
- GTU MA Transcript Request Instructions
- GTU MA Transcript Request Form
- MA Special Reading Course and Upgrade Form
- MA Program Checklist (For students admitted prior to Fall 2016)
- MA Program Checklist (For students admitted Fall 2016 onward)
- MABL Program Checklist
- MA Intent to Graduate
- MA Petition to Transfer Coursework
- Links to other forms used by GTU MA students
For Faculty:
- When you become a student you will recieve an SCU ID Card. This card will be used for services both on the main campus in Santa Clara and here at JST and GTU. When you take your card to the GTU library, they will affix a barcode which will give you GTU library privileges. Once you have the GTU library bar code you can then (if you wish) use your SCU ID card to receive a library card from the UC Berkeley campus main library.
- Alumni Access to Library Resources
Learn about requesting transcripts here.
How to Register for Courses
Renewal Sabbatical Students: You will not register for classes through Workday. Please select the "Renewal Student Registration" button below for your instructions.
How to Find Available Courses
All GTU schools share a course catalog since all GTU students can take courses at any GTU school. You can find the available courses here: https://gtusonis.jenzabarcloud.com/GENSRsC.cfm
At the top, sort by “school year” and “semester”. Sort by “campus” if you want to look at one particular school’s courses.
Click on the course name to read the course description and notes. If a course requires the instructor’s permission, email the instructor and get his/her permission first, and then register. (To find an instructor’s email address, visit the website of that instructor’s school, e.g. https://www.scu.edu/jst/about/faculty/ for JST, or www.psr.edu for Pacific School of Religion.)
You will not register via the GTU course catalog site. You will actually be registering for your courses in Workday. So, when choosing your courses from this GTU course schedule, write down the course numbers and titles.
Be sure that you have already contacted your advisor ahead of time to talk about your courses. You may begin contacting your advisors beginning of August and there will be time to meet with them when you arrive during On-Site Orientation.
Please see the following instructions for registration in Workday @ SCU.
How to Create a Course Schedule & Register (input course number only with no dashes i.e. BS1010 for Elements of NT Greek)
View available courses (be sure to designate the correct semester)
Instructions for Special Courses:
If you want to create a Special Reading Course with an instructor, you will need to register in eCampus for the course “SRC 9999” (follow the same procedure as you did above for your other courses). Then fill out the Special Reading Course (9999) - Independent Study form with your instructor, have your advisor sign, and turn it in to the Associate Dean’s office no later than Friday afternoon of the FIRST WEEK of classes. Special Reading Courses will not be accepted after that.
If you want to UPGRADE a Lower Level course to the Advanced Level, you will need to register in eCampus for the original lower level course (NOT “SRC 8888”!). Then fill out the Special Reading Course 8888 - Upgrade Form with your instructor, have your advisor sign, and turn it in to the Associate Dean’s office no later than Friday afternoon of the FIRST WEEK of classes. Upgrades will not be accepted after that.
If you want to cross register at UC Berkeley, you will need to register in eCampus for “UCB 9000”. Then come to the registrar’s office to pick up the special UCB cross registration form, fill it out, and get it signed by all parties. Submit a copy to the JST registrar, and turn in the original form to the GTU registrar (who will facilitate the actual enrollment with UCB) no later than Friday afternoon of the FIRST WEEK of classes.
For PDF file, please click How to Register for Classes
eCampus: Login
Moodle: http://moodle.gtu.edu/