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Technology at SCU


SentinelOne:  Changing to Santa Clara University’s New Endpoint (AntiVirus) Protection (April 2023)

The University will be moving from Sophos Central to SentinelOne Complete as our new endpoint (antivirus) solution for University owned and supported computers (Windows and macOS) to give SCU better protection from ever increasing cybersecurity threats. In testing, SentinelOne proved to be extremely effective in stopping malware, adware and current exploit techniques. SentinelOne also has a lighter footprint for system resources such as RAM and CPU usage which results in little to no performance impact on your computer. The change will take place during Spring quarter before many faculty and staff leave for the summer.

Campus Computers

During Spring Quarter, we will be uninstalling Sophos and installing SentinelOne on University owned and supported computers utilizing BigFix (our touchless patch management software program) on a building/department schedule as shown below. We may need access to your computer or ask you to turn on or wake your computer to complete the installation.

Once SentinelOne is installed:

  • Windows customers will be notified via BigFix to reboot their computers to complete the installation.
  • macOS customers with computers purchased before 2021 will need to perform two additional manual steps. Please follow these instructions to allow Network Extensions and Full Disk Access. For recently purchased computers, you can verify your computer doesn’t need the manual steps by checking your Applications folder to see if you have the “SCU Self Service” application (icon shown below)

An image of the Jamf

Campus Computers - Windows
Campus Computers - macOS

SentinelOne for Student Computers or Personally Owned Computers

SentinelOne Core Protection software (Windows and macOS) is designed to detect, remove, and prevent the spread of malware and other security risks.  SCU has purchased licenses for current students, faculty and staff personally owned computers and is available at no cost. SentinelOne must be uninstalled upon graduation or separation from Santa Clara University.  Please read the installation instructions as there are some manual steps required after the installation of SentinelOne.

Student Computers / Personal Computers - Windows
Student Computers / Personal Computers - macOS