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Marketing and Communications

Working with Freelancers

With the ever-growing print and digital imagery needs for campus- or location-based photography, it's clear that not all requests can be met by University Marketing and Communications at all times.

There are a number of reasons that UMC may not be able to accommodate photo shoot requests from campus clients:

  • Time Conflicts: Time may have been previously booked for other client photo shoots, sometimes off campus.
  • Lack of Advance Notice: There may be insufficient time to plan or execute a late or last-minute request.
  • Non-Strategic Scope of Work: The photo shoot request may fall outside the parameters of being in line with the University’s strategic goals and priorities.
  • Absence: Scheduled out-of-office or travel time may preclude availability.

Covering All Campus Photo Shoot Needs

To assist campus clients with meeting all of their photoshoot needs, The University Marketing and Communications maintains a list of local and location-based, freelance photographers who have successfully provided high-quality imagery for various SCU units and departments.

Note that the University Marketing and Communications is not responsible for any charges billed by freelance photographers for their services, expenses, or the use of their photographs.

For the Freelance Photographers You Hire

  • All freelance photographers and their affiliates should familiarize themselves with the SCU Brand Guidelines, and follow related standard practices in the work they do for the University.

Please contact Colin Buckner for references to some of our most-used freelance photographers, a general idea of the costs involved with hiring one, and usage policy considerations.

Pre-approved Vendors