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Department ofMathematics and Computer Science

AP Score Received After Summer Orientation

What if I get my AP score after my summer orientation session?

I took the AP Precalculus exam

If you are quite sure you will score a 4 or 5 on the AP Precalculus exam, which gets you credit for Math 9, then you can register for Math 11/30/35, without taking the CRE. Note that if you end up scoring 3 or lower, then you will need to pass the CRE to take Math 11/30/35. 

I took the AP Calculus AB exam

If you are quite sure you will score a 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus AB exam, which gets you credit for Math 11/30, then you might register for Math 12/31. Math 12 does not have a passing score on the CRE as a prerequisite. If you score a 3 on the AP Calculus AB exam, then you can register for Math 11/30/35 without taking the CRE. Note that if you end up scoring 2 or lower, then you will need to pass the CRE to take Math 11/30/35. 

I took the AP Calculus BC exam

If you are quite sure you will score a 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC exam, which gets you credit for Math 11 and 12, then you might register for Math 13 (assuming you are required to take it: Engineering, Computer Science, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Mathematics). Math 13 does not have a passing score on the CRE as a prerequisite. Note that if you end up scoring a 3, then you will get credit for Math 11 and so should start with Math 12. If you score 2 or lower, then you will need to switch to Math 11, and to do so will require passing the CRE.

Back to CRE overview