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Department ofSociology


A woman dancing in a colorful traditional dress.

A woman dancing in a colorful traditional dress.

Alejandra Sanchez '19

Alejandra Sanchez gained the tools to understand her life experiences that she once believe were unique to her.

"Hi there! My name is Ale and I am a first-generation alumnus from the class of 2019. I graduated with a B.S. in Sociology, Ethnic Studies, and Spanish with a minor in Latin American Studies. As I reflect on my time as a student at SCU, I am reminded of how my experiences in my sociology classes continuously shape my everyday life. More importantly, I was provided with the tools to understand my life experiences that I once believed were unique to me. 

Since graduating from SCU I have been working at a non-profit in the Bay Area. The center I work for serves the day laborer community, immigrants, and people experiencing homelessness. A significant number of the community members we work with have been pushed to the margins of society due to imperialism, capitalism, and a multitude of other systematic inequalities. 

My role at the center is to create connections between workers and employers in a safe and supportive environment. At the center, we seek to empower workers through fair employment, education, and job skills training. In addition, we connect day workers to other resources they may need. Due to COVID-19 though, in combination with structural inequalities, the lives of day workers have been drastically affected. I am privileged to share a space with some of the most resilient and inspirational community members I know.

Everything I learned from my time in the Sociology Department has challenged my understanding of my role in the world. The coursework equipped me with a critical and compassionate lens to view the world and defy the notion of being complacent with systematic inequalities. I am thankful for the amazing faculty I worked with and with who I built close relationships with. I cannot thank my mentor, Dr. Alma García, enough for believing in me, continuously pushing me, and inspiring me. Dr. García has been so instrumental in my success during my time at SCU and beyond. I could not have done it without the support and guidance from such an amazing department!"

--Alejandra Sanchez '19 (Sociology, Ethnic Studies and Spanish majors)