- Politics of the Middle East
- Comparative Politics
- American Foreign Policy
- Introduction to International Relations
- U.S Foreign Policy towards the Middle East
- Muslims in America
See Books
Political Islam in the Age of Democratization
Educating the Muslims of America
Academic Publications
"Cultural Citizenship and Belonging: Muslim International Medical Graduates in the USA"
"American Muslim Physicians' Experiences Since 9/11: Cultural Trauma and the Formation of Islamic Identity"
"Defining a Moderate"
Engaging American Muslims: Political Trends and Attitudes
A Window into American Muslim Physicians: Civic Engagement and Community Partici
The Bay Area Muslim Study: Establishing Identity and Community
Funding Gives US Vital Leverage with Islamists in Egypt, elsewhere
Divisive Presidential Politics Takes Aim at the American Muslim Community
War or Peace in Afghanistan?
Only the U.S. Has the Clout to Make Mideast Peace
US Public Diplomacy: Winning the Hearts and Minds of Muslims
Educating the Muslims of America
Response to the 9/11 Commission Report
The Greater Middle East Initiative: Off to a Shaky Start
The US Patriot Act: Impact on the Arab and Muslim American Community
War Will Not Bring Democracy to the Middle East