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Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering

Digital Systems


Digital systems are complex hardware circuits that are generally designed at a level of abstraction that is a step removed from circuit/transistor/device-level details. Digital systems traditionally operate and store data in a discrete way (binary values), although recent advances may start to go beyond the binary paradigm. Systems that execute software, whether they be general-purpose computers or computing platforms (digital platforms) embedded into a targeted application, fall into the category of digital systems, as do special purpose hardware implementations that might be realized with an FPGA or manufactured as an ASIC.

Faculty-in-Charge: Dr. Hoeseok Yang


Subareas in Digital Systems

Computer Architecture

The computer architecture sequence within digital systems focuses on general-purpose computing platforms as well as special-purpose architectures such as GPUs and systems designed and dedicated for the purpose of accelerated Machine Learning. 

Digital Design

The digital design subarea within the digital systems track focuses on hardware design using HDL, verification techniques (logical and physical) of the SoCs using EDA tools as well as principles and techniques of designing circuits for testability such as internal and boundary scan, etc.

Embedded Systems

Embedded systems design including parallel hardware and software design; CAD optimization algorithms; system-level modeling and HW/SW partitioning; sensors, actuators, and embedded control; design for low energy, high security, and fault tolerance; emerging technologies and trends.