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Graduate Programs

Robotics and Automation

Robotics and Automation

Six students working on octocopters in the Robotics Systems Laboratory

The Robotics and Automation program is a true interdisciplinary program that draws from mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering/science in order to provide students with knowledge about the design, control, and automation of robotic systems and smart machines. Students in the program will receive:

  • Hands-on design of mechatronic devices, the dynamics and control of robotic manipulators/vehicles/systems, and advanced perception systems using technologies such as vision processing and machine learning
  • Industry-aligned concentration options that will include courses in areas such as advanced manufacturing, bio-devices, autonomous vehicles, aerospace systems, agricultural technology, and others
  • An in-depth R&D experiential opportunity consisting of work on an industry design problem or conducting research leading to a publication
  • A broader societal perspective to complement the technical degree, with courses in areas such as the technology ethics, the societal impact of engineering, and high-tech business/entrepreneurship
  • A co-curricular badging system and electronic portfolio allowing them to showcase their experience relating to design capabilities, computing languages/environments, maker skills, etc.
  • The ability to leverage the expertise and international reputation of the School of Engineering's Robotic System’s Laboratory, which develops advanced robotic systems and automation technology for vehicles and instruments that operate on/in land/sea/air/space, working with organizations such as the National Science Foundation, the Navy, California growers, NASA and more.

Program Details

  • Certificate (Limit 16 units, non-degree program, option to apply to M.S. degree)
  • Open University (Limit 16 units, non-degree program, option to apply to M.S. degree)
  • Master's Degree (46 required units for completion)

For complete program details, please visit the Robotics and Automation Program site.

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Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

Heafey-Bergin, Bldg. 202
Office # 240-243
408-554-4313 phone